chapter four

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"So you're my new boss?"

A smirk appeared on Lexa's face.

"Yes I am."


Clarke swallowed thickly when lexa was staring right back at her, dark green forest eyes boring into sky blue eyes.

God she was so beautiful. Lexa was a beautiful woman worthy of being on the cover of a magazine.

Lexa was staring at her with no actual expression, Clarke couldn't really see what she was thinking right now.

She was still staring at Clarke and I felt uneasy under her gaze. She got up, fixing her expensive blazer, to then walk towards me , making my heart race even faster.

"I would like to say nice to meet you miss Griffin but looks like we've already met didn't we?" Lexa spoke in a teasing voice and a smirk formed on her lips again, making Clarke even more nervous.

Clarke still couldn't wrap her head around this situation. She just slept with her boss while she didn't know she was her boss yet at the time, Clarke still hadn't said a word since the discovery of her boss and Lexa started to get a little worried about the blonde not that she said a lot either but still she had to ask.

"Are you okay clarke? I know this is a bit of a shock, me being your boss after we had a night together but this won't become an issue will it?"

Clarke shook her head with a small smile and chewed nervously on her bottom lip which was always a nervous habit of hers. She finally had the courage to answer the green eyed woman standing in front of her.

"Of course not , Lexa. I just realised that I already slept with the boss and I was kinda thinking I would never see you again, after you left without saying anything . Not even leaving a note or a number." Clarke spoke in one single breath.

Lexa looked at Clarke with a bit of regret of leaving without saying anything but that was all it was for Lexa.

A fun night , nothing more and nothing less.

" Were you expecting a relationship Clarke? Because I'm sorry that's not what that night was for me. But I apologise if I gave you that impression, that was never my intention."

Clarke didn't know what to think or feel after hearing Lexa's words . On one hand she was grateful that lexa didn't want anything more than last night but on the other side she was kinda offended and disappointed that lexa didn't want anything more with her. To actually think she could have an actual relationship with this beautiful woman , a healthy and not a toxic one that she was in right now.

Not the abusive relationship she was in right now, constantly fearing for her life or the possibility of getting another beating by her boyfriend. One that she definitely needed to end as soon as possible but so terrified to do.

Clarke realised she had been silent for too long again and needed to give lexa an answer so she shook her head again.

"Last night was amazing lexa but no i didn't expect a relationship out of it. I have a boyfriend actually." Clarke said that last part a little quieter but she was positive that Lexa had heard it by the look she was getting from her.

"You have a boyfriend and you cheated on him with me last night." Lexa spoke in a more cold tone, a tone that Clarke hadn't heard from the green eyed woman and she was a bit scared if she was being honest.

"I... Lexa..." but she couldn't finish her words before a woman entered her office, interrupting the both of them and ending their conversation right there and now. The woman that entered the office without knocking didn't bother apologising for entering without knocking so Clarke was sure she wasn't an employee of Lexa . That was officially confirmed when she was kissing Lexa right in front of her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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