chapter two

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Lexa was checking herself out still not sure about the outfit she was wearing , anya had suggested it and she still wasn't sure .

" woods. we're just going out to some club to have fun . We're not going to a gala so can we just go already ? "

Lexa turned to look at her sister with a annoyed look, clearly not in the mood to go to a club after she just moved back here . However there was no backing out of this , definetely not with anya .

" alright i'm ready " Lexa looked at herself one more time in the mirror and then they both left the apartment.

Lexa's driver was already waiting and held the door open for her .

They both got into the car and anya gave the adresse to the driver which made lexa look at her sister confused because she had never heard about that club before and she went to a lot of clubs before she went to europe for a year .

Anya saw the confusion on her sister's face so she explained . " It's a new club that just opened this week and i've heard the rumors how great it is . So i wanted to see it for myself .

" Lexa's let's out a sigh at that and the car came to a stop , they both got out and entered the club . The music wasn't bad so maybe she could have a great time tonight .

" i'm going to get myself a drink" Lexa sat herself down on a barstool and ordered herself a scotch on the rocks. she slowly sipped the beverage until a guy came up with a cheesy pick up line which she got rid of very quickly .

She let's out a irritated sigh which thankfully no one could hear due the music and orders another and another and another until she started to feel a little typsy . She looked over at the dancefloor and saw that her sister was already getting acquainted with some brunette who had a ponytail , she also noticed that the girl had a brace on her leg but that didn't stop the girl from dancing like it was the last night of her life .

Then her eyes focused somewhere else because seeing your sister grinding herself against some girl wasn't really a pleasant sight to see . However that wasn't the only reason why her focus was now somewhere else suddenly .

that girl literally hypnotized her just the way she moved her hips and lost herself in the music . lexa her mouth suddenly got dry at the sight and she was so thirsty so thats why she ordered one more drink and swallowed it in one single swig.

She kept her focus on the pretty blonde on the dancefloor. Her eyes wandered to her ass and lexa started to imagine her hands on it but that's not what made her walk over to the blonde . The reason why she finally made a move for it is because she saw a guy with black curly hair that started to grind himself on her and she suddenly felt sick and it wasn't because of the alcohol she just consumed .

Lexa got of her barstool and was suddenlly aware that she had more than two drinks in her system but quickly balanced herself and made way to her prey . From the moment lexa got up from her barstool the blonde looked in her direction .

Obviously she had seen that the brunette was watching her dance and it only made her feel naughtier . She had at least 5 drinks so she was no longer the good girl like everyone thought she was . the good girl personality disappeared from the moment she had her first drink that night .

Her best friend was already dancing with some blonde and she saw octavia was dancing with a muscular man who she thought was a bouncer so that left clarke alone for the night but after a few drinks and dancing she had heard a few cheesy pick up lines who she turned down immediately , she wasn't really looking to hook up with anyone .

That was until she saw the brunette staring at her while she was dancing and maybe she would make an exception for her . She saw the brunette coming closer and closer to her until she was standing in front of her and smirked at her before she gives the guy behind clarke who was still grinding his crotch again her ass a threatening look and that was enough for him to run off .

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