It's you again

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I have to go to homecoming in an hour but I'm writing this for you all because I love you😠👊, also I might upload a new book soon and my other book

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I have to go to homecoming in an hour but I'm writing this for you all because I love you😠👊, also I might upload a new book soon and my other book. "Stay away from what's mine" few of the chapters will be out soon probably like on the 2nd to 9th of October it matters my schedule but I can't wait, anyway enjoy.

"I don't want you in Shoyo's life anymore just get out"

~Shinbo Hinata

~Shinbo Hinata

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Shoyo woke up like he always does

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Shoyo woke up like he always does. "Ug, I have to get ready for school." Shoyo got up heading towards his closet to get his uniform. He got ready then went downstairs to see his papa typing on his laptop trying to get work done. "Morning papa." Shinbo looked at Shoyo with a smile.

"Hey, Shoyo. Your lunch is on the counter and I'm sorry I didn't have time to make breakfast." Shoyo smiled and nodded. "That's fine I'm not that hungry." Shinbo nodded still feeling bad he started typing. 

Shoyo was putting on his shoes about to head off. "Bye, papa have a good day." Shinbo looked over at Shoyo. "Bye-bye Shoyo." Shoyo then walked out of the house and went to go get his bike. 'I feel like something bad is gonna happen today.' Shoyo pouted and started biking. Shoyo saw Kota walking while reading his book. "KOTA!" Kota jumped and turned towards Shoyo he stopped his bike. "Hey, Kota." Kota smiled at Shoyo. "Hey, Hinata." Shoyo got off his bike. "Wanna walk to school with each other." Kota nodded putting his book in his bag so he can talk to Shoyo. 

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