Inter-high preliminaries

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I just woke up so here I am writing 😻 Also, I might be doing online school soon because my mental health lately isn't going well

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I just woke up so here I am writing 😻 Also, I might be doing online school soon because my mental health lately isn't going well.

"They're stronger than they think."

~Shoyo Hinata

~Shoyo Hinata

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 Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi were walking towards the school together

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 Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi were walking towards the school together. Asahi looked up at the sky. "You know this is gonna be our last-" but before Asahi was finished he got interrupted. "Don't talk!" Asahi jumped back feeling offended "You were gonna say something sentimental weren't you?" Asahi then sulked at his shame from Daichi's sentence Suga crossed his arms into an x "Don't talk like we're about to die." Asahi sulked even more. "That wasn't even what I was trying to say. The 3 of us stood in silence last night we were star gazing at the sky contemplating our last inter-high." Daichi and Suga gave Asahi a blank face.

Asahi continue. "I was hoping we'd say encouraging things to each other... But you just left me without a no word" Daichi crossed his arms. "Shoyo and Shimizu surprised raised our morals to 120%" Asahi backed away. "Well...yeah...but..." Sugawara and Daichi shook their heads in shame and started walking again Asahi followed behind Daichi then said something. "We're gonna win the first and second rounds today for sure then move onto day 2. So Asahi there is no time to melodramatic" Asahi looked away then looked back a Daichi. "We're going to win all of the matches ahead of us that is all we need to worry about." Asahi's mouth was gaped but nodded with a smile.

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