Halloween special

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I've decided to make a Halloween special because why not :) oh, and this has nothing to do with the storyline I'm just bored

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I've decided to make a Halloween special because why not :) oh, and this has nothing to do with the storyline I'm just bored.


~Hinata Shoyo

~Hinata Shoyo

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Shoyo was ripping his closet into shreds trying to find a costume

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Shoyo was ripping his closet into shreds trying to find a costume. "UGG I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING!" Shoyo jumped hearing his door open, turning around he saw his father looking worried. "Sho chan are you okay." Shoyo nodded and looked at his closet. "I'm trying to find a costume I have to go to a Halloween party tonight." Shinbo nodded and started thinking. "How about you go to the costume store down the street." Shoyo made a thinking face and nodded

"Okay, I'll see you, papa." Shoyo grabbed his wallet and phone then went downstairs going to put on his shoes. Shinbo saw Shoyo run out the door. Shinbo sighed. "Lord that boy." Shinbo then went to the kitchen for something to eat feeling hungry.

Shoyo walked into the costume store. "Welcome." Shoyo looked at the cashier. "Oh, hello." Shoyo smiled and started walking around the store seeing all types of costumes. "Hmm what should I be?" Shoyo made a thinking face. "Chibi-chan?" Shoyo jumped and looked over at the person it was Oikawa. "Oh, great king hey." Oikawa sulked being called great king again. "You can just call me Oikawa" Shoyo narrowed his eyes and looked at the costumes once again. "And you can just call me Hinata." Oikawa jumped back at the harsh comeback. "Okay then." Oikawa then looked at the costumes. "Who are you gonna be great king?" Shoyo decides to ask while Oikawa smirked putting his hands on his hips.

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