Chapter 3

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Peter's P.O.V.

I tried to enter again using my fake ID but the guards won't let me in. Having no other option, I leaned on the side of my car which was parked in front of their mansion. At least I can see her from here. The wedding was set in the open garden.

If I try to enter once more I will get beaten up. I don't wanna ruin my beautiful face.

I looked around to admire the decoration. That fatty has organised a really nice wedding for his daughter. The whole garden is decorated with orchids, Jennifer's favorite flowers. In the middle there is a platform where probably they will be getting married now.

I watched silently as more and more people gathered in the garden and started taking their seats. Soon Robert appeared and took his position on the platform. Damn! he is rich! Just look at his awesome outfit.

I searched around to get a glimpse of Jennifer but she was nowhere to be seen. She must be looking the prettiest bride today. I wish it was me instead of Robert standing there. Robert is just so lucky.

One thing was odd, the guards were nowhere to be seen. Then I noticed some guards has gathered at one corner and whispering among themselves. What they are doing there? If fatty gets to know they are chatting among themselves on his daughter's wedding, he will surely sew them.

Taking the opportunity I ran towards the back gate. I hope no one will be there also. If I try to get through the front someone might see me.

Jennifer's P.O.V.

I woke up with a sharp pain on the back of my head. I still feel dizzy. I looked around to get a clear view. At first sight I realised I was trapped inside a black van. The van looked small but has enough space to occupy four people. What am I doing here? I stared blankly for a minute and then remembered the whole incident that happened outside the mansion.

And there is one more problem. My hands and legs are tied so tightly that the rope is cutting though my skin. Something very sticky like a duck tape is pasted on my mouth making me completely unable to open it. How will I call for help now?

All the windows are painted black. Such a weird car! Frantically I searched for some kind of knife or anything that I can use. There is not even a sharp object around. Its purely empty excluding me.

Wasting no more time, I tried to move the best I could. Since I cannot put pressure on my hands, I tried to sit upright with the help of my hips and butt. This is not working. I tried again but failed.

While trying I cried out in pain and made some faint sounds. I have never been in this type of situation before. I just wish Peter and Dad were here.

Suddenly the front door opened and a gush of wind flew inside. Its so freezing cold. The next thing I saw brought a terrified expression on my face. I think today I will really die.

That same guy appeared, "Hello baby doll. How was your sleep?". He smiled showing all those evil white teeth. He has changed into a leather jacket and a pair of jeans instead of that bodyguard dress. So that was a disguise. I am so stupid, I didn't even think of that much.

I don't know why but the sight of him made me move my body vigorously and making sounds as much as I can.I bumped on my butt several times. This is getting more and more painful every moment.

He tried to grab my arm to stop me. However this is not the time to pay him attention, I continued what I was doing. Then he gripped my right leg tightly causing me to cry out in pain. As much as I tried to move, his grip got stronger and painful.

"I said stop." He said in a deep hollow voice. I stopped, fearing he might hurt me if I try to move further.

As I continued to stare at him in horror, I noticed he pulled out a knife from his jacket and slowly moved the knife towards my direction. "Now don't move."

When the knife was few inches away from my face, I closed my eyes tightly. I have never felt physical pain before except once I fell down from a swing when I was in kinder garden. Just like they show in movies I think I will also get stabbed now.

Quickly in a fraction of second he cut through my lips. My whole body was literally shaking but there was no pain. I opened my eyes to see him laughing at me. This isn't funny.

Then I realised my lips were not stuck anymore. He actually used that knife to cut the duct tape. What is he doing? Trying to scare me?

"How dare you do that?" I tried to give an angry look but the I was still feeling scared.

"Oh shut up! You are not any princess here." He answered rudely. No one has ever talked to me like that. Once I get out of here, then he will get a good lesson.

"Why am I here?" That was what came to my mind next.

"I am not paid to tell you that." That smile never left his face.

"Tell me the name, my Dad will pay you double money. How much did you get?" I tried to keep calm. I just need to trick this guy someway, then I will be out. I hope I look confident enough.

"Let your Dad's soul rest in peace. " He said with a wild grin. He looks very dirty like a wild animal. As the wind started to blow again, I realised he also stinks. What was the last time he took a bath?

But forget that now, his words echoed in my mind. Is this guy mad or what? My Dad is not dead yet.

"What do you mean?"

"You ask a lot of questions. Now lie down and sleep." God! He is so annoying. Pushing me back into the van, he cut out another duck tape and pasted it on my pink lips. I saw him shut the door and lock it.

After a few minutes the van started. Wow! we are travelling. But Dad, is he alright? Tears started pouring out of my little blue eyes. I cannot let anyone hurt my Dad. I am sure whoever this guy is, he is just joking. My Daddy is alright.

My heart skipped a little more with every minute. Who is this guy and what does he want? He would have killed me by now if he wanted. He said he is paid for it, I think there is someone behind all this. But Who?






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