Chapter 4

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Peter's P.O.V

The dining place was set in the backyard of the house. Seeing how they had such a grand patio with enough space to fit a whole circus, I had always wondered what it would feel like to have such a big place to oneself. Don't they even feel scared at night?

The entire place was decorated with string lights, hang curtains and stylish furniture. Fatty must have gone for the fairytale like theme since everything looked extra white with enough sparkles around. There were far few people here as compared to the front gate. Only a handful of servants loitered around fixing flowers on tables and making sure everything was perfect. Other than that, some of the men behind the counter filled glasses with champagne and plates with starters as soon as a waiter returned with an empty serving tray.

That must taste really good, I gulped as a drool threatened to fall at the sight of alcohol. I could almost savour the taste in my mouth, reminding me of the time when Jenne gifted me a Krug Vintage 1985. Ever since she entered my life, my life changed bit by bit. She took me to places, paid my bills, fed me - she was my ideal girlfriend.

We were happily frolicking around and almost managed to do it for three years until her demon of a father decided to put an end to our cheerful lives. In one fell swoop, my life scrambled into pieces. Gone was the love of my life, gone were the good times we treasured so well, gone were the platinum and gold cards under my name. As soon as her father got wind of us, I was thrown out of the luxurious apartment that Jenne had rented for me and all my assets were seized. Suddenly I was back to my little brick room with a sorry tin roof that felt empty without her.

If only I could get a glimpse of her. I was sure that she would run to me if she knew that I was here. I had that effect on her, I made her break rules and do things which she was only free to do in her dreams. As happy thoughts of being reunited with Jenne clouded my mind, I eyed the back door to the house. The familiar wooden door through which I had passed several times to deliver bread in the past.

As I watched the thin crowd in the dining area with a keen eye, I noticed something very unusual. The bodyguards were nowhere. The patio looked completely free of black suited, tall guys with those weird coiled, tube-like ear pieces. Now is my chance. I did a double take, making sure my eyes weren't lying. I scanned each and every face I passed by, quickly making my way through the gravel path. After years of hiding from those goons, I was able to tell them apart even when they tried not to stand out in plain clothes.

Like a gift from God, the area looked completely bodyguard-free which begged the question, if they were not here, then where were they. With suspicions boiling at the back of my mind, I quickly slipped within the crowd and winked at a pretty brunette passing me. The girl licked her lips in return. I made a mental note to take her to a bathroom stall later in case I couldn't get Jenna or worse, I got thrown out again.

Robert's P.O.V

"Where is she?" I growled at Ben, my head of security, "You couldn't even keep your eye on a single girl. You had one task to do, one task," I pointed my fingers at him.

"Sir, one moment she was there, next moment she was gone," Ben replied, trying to reason his incompetence. Excuses! All excuses! I brought him here with the sole purpose to keep an eye on her. After her little eloping tour with that beggar boyfriend failed, I could no longer trust her. If she had dared to do it once, she would dare to try it again "What do you mean SHE WAS NOT THERE? Did she just disappear?" I cut my eyes into him, daring him to come up with a better reply.

"With all due respect Mr.Matthews, she was under our surveillance since last night and until this morning, she was in her room," Ben said, looking down at his tab where all the information about Jennifer was noted down. I had personally appointed him to trail her and keep me updated about her whereabouts.

"And how are you so sure?" I demanded. The inside of my hands were itching to grip his neck and snap it into half.

"We had one of her own dress as one of the maids and infiltrate her room," he pointed to a girl who was standing at the back of the room with her hands folded in front and eyes down. Ben produced a video among the many clips that recorded Jennifer's every minute activities and turned the screen towards me, "This is where we last saw her."

A video played showing a room which I assumed to be her bedroom. She watched herself cry in the mirror as if conversing with her sad self. All she does is cry. Moments later, she gets up drying her tears and runs outside. The video switches to another angle showing the outside corridor and follows her fragile figure upto the end where she seems to be walking with someone. The face of her partner was caught at a bad angle but from the height and stature of the person, I had a faint idea who it could be. It had to be him. That asshole Peter!

"Do we have her current location?" I asked, my thoughts absorbed by the image of my future wife in her lover's arms. "Tell me we at least have a lead," I asked as my eyes burned the paused image of Jennifer beside a man. However Ben quickly nodded a no and it felt like a stone just dropped in my gut.

Outside the crowd was getting impatient, everyone was whispering among themselves. I didn't need to hear them to actually know what they might be talking about. My parents were smiling, going from guest to guest, trying to appease them with the usual banter. As I looked down at the back of my father, the inside of my fist tightened. If rumors got out that his daughter in law eloped with her boyfriend, my father would lose his shit over this. I could almost imagine his disappointed face and his voice telling me how I wasn't good enough to control my woman.

Pressing my temple across the cool window pane that overlooked the entire reception area, I took deep breaths. "Find her," I ordered over my shoulder, "Do not come back until you find her."

Ben and his men quickly left the room closing the huge ornate doors behind them. I was at the end of my ropes now. Last time she tried to elope, her father covered it up with a sweet deal of new estate and crates of wine. This time I don't know what the Sandrews will do but I sure hope they are ready to answer some serious questions.


Hey guys, long time no see! Try not to kill me for updating after almost what, I think, is six years. I started to write this story when I was in school and had no idea where to go with this.

I still don't know. But after getting requested so many times to continue (even though my writing still sucks), I think I owe it to my readers to at least update some chapters now and then.

I am not making promises since I get busy with work and you know me (who updates after six years afterall! Only me!). However, this time I do have some inspiration and I will try and finish this (or not). Let's hope I do. We will know in time!

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