Chapter 1

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When I woke, all I saw was smoke. Ashes from our burning house, spores from our dying Ivysaur. I was soon outside and fully awoke to the sound of boards falling, my father trapped under the burning wood. "Koffic," he said weakly. "Take them and run.." His body went limp, the special Pokeballs now in my hands as my eyes filled with tears. I took them and ran to find help.

I tripped on my way through the woods, one of the Pokeballs opening and releasing its Pokemon. I looked up to see Suicune looking at me. I struggled to sit up as I hugged Suicune. "Can you take me to the nearest village?" I asked it. Suicune nodded and I climbed onto its back.

Very quickly, we got to the village and I returned Suicune to it's Pokeball as I ran to the nearest police station. "Officer Jenny!" I shouted to the female officer. She turned around to me and I hugged her. "Koffic!" she said worriedly, picking me up. "What happened?" I sniffled then answered her. "My house caught on fire and daddy was trapped!" She immediately ran inside and put me in care of the officers as she ran out and put fire patrol on dispatch to my house.

I didn't want to wait, so I tried to follow officer Jenny to try and get Suicune or Manaphy to help. I ended up in the forest, but the trail to my home was covered. I ended up getting lost and I didn't know what to do. I began to panic until I remembered the legends were in my hands now. I sent out Victini, my favorite of the bunch, to help protect me in the dangerous forest.

After a bit of walking, the sun began to rise. I recalled Victini and sent out Entei so we could cover more ground. I can't keep Entei out for long since trainers visit the forest to catch new Pokemon every day. Entei soon stopped, seeing some trainers in a wide-open field. I hopped off of Entei and recalled it as I walked into the field.

The trainers looked over to me and that's when I figured they weren't good trainers. I saw an oddly colored Treecko standing before them, badly hurt. "What are you guys doing to that Treecko!" I shouted. "Catching it," one of them said. "Whatsit to ya, kid?" The Treecko looked ready to give up, but I couldn't let it get captured by some bad guys. The two had a Blastoise and Charmeleon.

"I won't let you catch it!" I said, getting defensive. "Fine," one said. "Only if you beat us in a Pokemon battle!" I went from defensive to nervous. They sent their Pokemon towards me, ready for a double-battle. I decided that Mewtwo could take them both, but I chose to use Zeraora for a quick, easy battle. I threw its Pokeball and Zeraora appeared.

"Charmeleon use fire fang!" the trainer yelled. "Blastoise, water gun!" the other shouted. Both Pokemon attacked Zeraora. "Zeraora dodge and use thunderbolt!" I shouted to Zeraora, it dodging and attacking the opposing team's Pokemon. The trainers recalled their injured Pokemon and left after a few rounds of back and forth attacking.

I recalled Zeraora and went to heal the Treecko. It had no stamina remaining and I had nothing on me, so I picked it up carefully and took it back to the village. I called Entei out and rode on his back to the village, recalling him at the base of the forest. I rushed the Treecko to Nurse Joy to heal it. After Chansey took it to the back, I waited in the lobby.

"He's ready Koffic!" Nurse Joy said, the Treecko beside her. "At least you're alright Treecko," I said with a soft smile. The Treecko tried to look cool, but he was failing. "He's a shiny." I looked beside me to see a girl in her early 20s looking at Treecko.

"I better take him back to the plains where I found him," I said, standing up. The Treeko followed close behind as I walked into the forest. After a while of walking, we reached the plains. We both walked into the plains to the group of Treecko, Grovyle, and a Sceptile. They all looked happy to see the Treecko, and the Treecko ran up to the group.

"Victini," I said, calling Victini from its Pokeball. The small Pokemon was on my shoulder, ready to take me to a safer part of the forest. I was about to leave when the Treecko hugged my leg. "Treecko!" he yelled at me. He looked really happy. "If you want me to catch you, I can't. I don't have any pokeballs!" The Treecko wouldn't take no for an answer. I went to leave and he wouldn't leave me alone. I decided to let him travel with me, in case he changed his mind and wanted to leave.

"It's been so long since we first met," I said, looking to my left. "Hasn't it Spector?" The shiny Grovyle nodded. We were sitting on the cliff my great-great-grandfather caught Marshadow on. "It's unfortunate we had to retreat to the cliffs," Mewtwo said. I nodded.

I stood up, taking the hood of my cloak off. My dark hair waved in the wind as I looked at my map I made. I discovered another religion not too far up north, so I have decided to seek refuge there. "Thank you for the nice chat Mewtwo," I said. He nodded and I recalled him. I called Lugia and told them about the ahead region. Me and Spector climbed on their back and we took to the sky.

I let out the other flightlings, the legendary birds, Victini, Sogaleo, Lunala, all of them. The skies were a gorgeous blue with fluffy clouds. I told Lugia to dive to the water so we can let some others out. Everyone followed suit and got close to the water. I let out manaphy, suicune and kyogre to the water and they all travelled with us. This was one opportunity that won't happen for a long time, let's not lose it to another slip up.

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