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At exactly seven that morning, Y/N L/N was dressed, her hair was in (favorite hairstyle) she was in the Range Rover headed down Fifth Avenue to S. Winters studio. Her nerves were all over the place as the car finally came to a stop, her manager gave her a look. "Everything is gonna fine, she's gonna ask you about your Netflix deal and TikTok."

"What about my relationship with Vinnie?"

"You're friendship you mean?"

"Yeah, I remember."

The girl broke into a cool sweat as the doors opened, she slid out, Bruno was in front of her immediately blocking the paparazzi's camera flashes. Questions were flown at her, but she couldn't denigrate which was what, her breathing became heavy and her chest started to hurt, but the anxiety building up subsided when they entered the building.

The receptionist looked up as they did, she squealed just a bit, "Y/N L/N, my daughter is such a fan."

"Thank you, tell her I said hi."

Y/N's manager cleared their throat, the receptionist turned. "Oh I'm sorry, right this way."

They followed, headed down a long hallway and towards the stage, Y/N begun to shake, but shook it away. This was her moment, nothing could ruin it, a girl rushed over and attached a microphone to the girl.

"It's starting, when she calls you, just walk out."

Y/N nodded and waited for her que, with sweaty hands the girl walked across the stage, the audience clapped as she did, she took a seat in the black leather chair across from the host. When the audience died down, S. Winters spoke, "How are you?"

"Little bit nervous, but okay."

"Good good, so Y/N, you're a social media personality and upcoming actress, can you tell us how you made it?"

Y/N adjusted her position and cleared her throat. "I had TikTok when it was Musically, I had about fourteen followers, I barely posted, until one day in December of twenty-twenty, I was scrolling through the app and decided to make a very cringe worthy video. I posted it without thinking anything of it, then my friend texted me hours later and said I was on her For You Page, I hit twenty million in February of this year and now I'm here." She explained.

"Can you tell us a bit about the movie you're doing?"

"I can't say too much, but expect a lot of screaming and gore."

The audience laughed like something was funny. S. Winters smiled as she proceeded with multiple questions, Y/N answered then with ease. "Okay, so I think everyone wants to know the real tea." The dark haired woman said, Y/N fixed her dress and waited for the question.

"Are you and Vinnie dating?"

"Oh, no we're friends."

"Really? Because your TikToks and pictures say otherwise."

Y/N watched as the projector began to play a slideshow of every TikTok and picture Vinnie and her ever posted since their friendship that lead to a relationship started. "We're close, are you saying a guy and a girl can't be friends?" She asked. "Oh no, of course not, but the fans wanted to know." The host replied with a laugh, Y/N gave a fake smile. "Right of course, well we're just friends. I do care about Vinnie deeply but nothing will come between our friendship." She explained.

S. Winters laughed, so did the audience. "You heard it right here folks, Vinnie Hacker and Y/N L/N are just friends. We'll be back after these messages."

"Cut!" A camera said, Y/N stood up and headed back to her team, they thanked the host and went back to the hotel. The rest of her day was spent watching Netflix and going her schedule for next week, her (parent/guardian) knocked on the door, Y/N looked up from her notebooks.

"Wanna get some food, I have a craving for something Italian."

Y/N stood up and changed into a (favorite color) hoodie and leggings, she grabbed her (favorite shoes) and pulled her sunglasses on. The moment she stepped out the doors of Viewline, she was struck with paparazzi on her ass, luckily, Bruno was there.

"No pictures," he ordered loudly, Y/N and her (parent/guardian). The duo ate at this really simple little Italian restaurant on Walsh Street across the street from not one, but two coffee shops.

"How was the interview?"

Y/N shrugged as she took a sip of her drink. "Okay, she asked a lot of personal questions."

"Were they about him?"

"Yeah, it's annoying."

Two young girls, probably around nine and ten, walked up. Y/N gave them a smile, the blonde one rocked back and forth on her heels while the one with the freckles asked sweetly, "C-can we get a picture?"

"Sure." Y/N turned the girls stood on her sides as she made a peace sign, they snapped the quick picture and the kids took off with excitement. "Anyways I just wish our relationship wasn't as private but he'd lose followers because of it." She stated. "You know he loves you, he'd pick you over followers any day." (Parent/guardian) said in a matter of fact tone.

Speaking of him, he was calling, Y/N sent a quick text saying she was eating and would talk after. When they got back to Viewline, (parent/guardian) went to go shopping, Y/N made some (favorite drink) and relaxed on the balcony while her and Vinnie talked about their day.

The following Saturday, Y/N travelled to Nova Fashion studios for her photo shoot. She was dressed in head to toe futuristic attire and a lot of highlight. Her trip to New York had been fun, she was so glad she could go shopping on Sunday, then pack up everything and head to the airport Monday morning.

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