Fantasy #1

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So after a long day working for the biggest CEO in Houston, Texas, I ( Your name ) treated myself with a glass of cherry wine while Swv's "Rain " plays through my speakers as I'm in silky red robe that I wear every night with my Victoria's Secret 2 piece lingerie. I couldn't stop thinking about the night Dino knocked the hearts out of me with his hammer 😉as I kept thinking about it, I came back to reality and heard the doorbell ring. I didn't feel like getting up so I yelled "ITS OPEN" and guess who comes strolling through the door. Catdaddy hisself. He said "idk whatever happened to who is it but hello😂" I got up and said "ahhh heyyy love" as I gave him a hug and he hold me so gently and whispered "you smell good baby" I said "haha thank you 😘" "so what brings you to my house this late at night?" He said "oh I just left the recording studio, finishing up a song I just did, you might like it" I said "oou you know I will!!! Anything you sing you know I'll vibe to it😁" he said "is that right?" As he's checking me out, I laughed and said "yes!" He said "you know...the other night was amazing but I think it can be much better" I said "oh?" Dino got off subject before he got back ON the subject with the "how was your day today?" I said "exhausting" he said "want me to help you with that.....lemme rub these beautiful legs...and he does. I said "omgggg you have the hands of an ANGEL!!!" He laughed and said "I could be a foot massager if I wanted to and I said "oh stop it😂, could I get the premium package?" And he said "wanna find out" as he's giving me that sexy look with his hypnotizing eyes . It was like he knew all of the right things to say to fall for a devouring man like D'Rochey bby. So he turned the mood more sweeter as he sung a lyric from Baby I wanna and he just don't know what that song does to me ESPECIALLY when he sings it😩he bit his lip like I wasn't hypnotized enough lol. Of course I was a little tipsy of the cherry wine I had and in my brain it was like an acid trip and in my vision I saw Dino all of the place, it was like clones of him everywhere mane was I drunk or high😂 and as he was talking I heard echoes after each word he spoke. So he spread my legs as he got done with the massage, he asked "is this my dinner, cause I haven't ate and you looking mighty tasty , I said "it's yours with your name all over it,sugar and's sweet like me" D oohed as I said it 🥴 with no hesitation at all, he knocked on my strawberry before entering, he took a taste of it and it was like Cupid angels knocked him over the head with punay juice 😂he took several licks in a loop and got two of his fingers and slowly plays with the top of my strawberry and he's enjoying it, I moan very slowly and I look up at him, next thing he flashed those hypnotizing eyes of his eyes like he took full control of me . He said "you belong to me...say it" I said as I continued to moan "yes daddy I belong to you 😩, do I belong to you?" I asked back "do you..." he said "is that a trick know I do, don't you think that's why I keep coming back to you, the other women I could never 😩(that turned me on even more" I moan even more louder as he's devouring his full course meal. I had my fingers on the top of his head cause he was eating it so good😩😩 He turned me around and ripped that red robe that he loved on me and starting kissing on my back and pulled my hair back and growls in my ear. My tongue was at the top of my lip as I was feeling and feening hard for this man as he's devouring me . I turned over and got right on top of him and he had on that same outfit on one of his soul train performances, which is can honestly say it's one of my favorites, I was rubbing my fingers on that caramel buff chest of his as he was moaning softly and I unbuckled his best and admired his hammer and devoured it as he was moaning and he said "damn (your name)" I said "I aim to please" and he was like whewww're a soul taker🥴" he picked me up and I gave him the ride of his life, you could see the expression on his face that he was definitely enjoying every minute of this. I said "you like this?" He said "oof hell yeah baby girl😩" he rose up and started licking my neck and gave me a small hickey and he said "what's my name" I said "dadddyyyy😩😩😩" he said "oof I love it when you call me that" I moaned "YESSSSS", he's squeezing my peach cakes hard and he yelled "want me to rain in you" I said "pleaseeeee" we both moan loudly as I screamed "right there right there!!!!" He said "ohhh shit..........!!!!" And he rained inside of me and I lay quickly on top of his chest and cuddling me and pushing the curly hair from my face and gave me a kiss and he said "whewww you got me in a trance"🥴 and he laughed 😂

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