Dinner with Dino and with an unexpected guest👀 (Fantasy #3)👀

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POV: so it's a warm night out in town of Houston, Texas, Dino decides of taking you out to a special dinner to show you appreciation and love at a beautiful restaurant and you were totally took surprised! Roses in a water filled vase in front of you two and with candles on the sides of the table, your heart was instantly warmed up and couldn't help but to give Dino a kiss! So D tells you "order anything you want babe, you deserve it!" so you got what you wanted to eat and so did Dino and he prayed over both over yours and his meals and got down to eating and you just instantly say "I love you so much baby, I can't believe you did all of this for me🥺" D said "I'm full of surprises as you can see" You said "ha you can say that again haha and that's what I love about you🥰" he's holding your hand as you both are continuing to eat! D says "how's your food" You said "OMG ITS THE BOMB!" Dino giggled and said "haha I knew you'd love it baby, me and Shazam would get the same thing when we would come here a lot !" You said "awww that's so cool, brother bonding time!" D said " yes indeed! I love him, that's my 4liferrrr✊🏾" You we're just melted away by the way he has love for you, his brother and for everybody in his life, you were just amazed!" So Dino looks up and he sees a familiar face he hasn't seen in a long time!
Dino: hmmm that guy looks so familiar to me, I can't put my finger on it
You: could it be a classmate?👀
Dino: oh no no no I could easily recognize my classmates....he put his hand over his chin, still trying to figure out who that guy was. "Oh nah that can't be... DEVANTE SWING!!"
When he yelled that name, everything paused...including you, you almost choked on your food when Dino yelled Devante's name. Before you came back to reality, you had a flashback months ago. Devante came on to you at the library where you was looking up some books and he just felt an intense feeling about you and of course you gave in and Devante kissed you and one thing led to another then Devante made love to you in the bathroom in the library. Poor Dino has no idea about this and hopefully he won't find out cause that was in the past you know! So you came back to reality and Dino was calling your name
Dino: (Your name) (your name?!) (YOUR NAME!!!"
You: GASP omg I'm so sorry
Dino: are you okay
You: yeah I'm fine babe
And as soon as you turn your head to left it's Devante across from and you can't stop thinking about that day you and Devante had sex but you played it off and kept your cool
Devante: soo how you been mane, it's been years since we seen each other mane
Dino: ahhh maneee i just been making more music for my fans and of course have time with my pookie bear here
Devante laughs and says "haha I see you brotherrr, you got a good one on your hands here"
Dino: yessir you already know maneee trying make it out here
Devante : haha I know that's right
You have your head down and continuing to eat your food as you look at both men as they are laughing and talking each other's ears off.
Devante: what was your name love? (As he's looking at you with his beautiful eyes)
You: (Your name)
Devante: wow you got a beautiful name, mane Dino I gotta give it to you, she looks like a keeper for you mane
Dino: hahaha I got good taste don't I
Devante: hell yeah...(as he's biting his lip at he's looking at your luscious lips) meanwhile I'm pretty sure Dino knows what's up and by then you see Dino whisper in Devante's ears with some mumble talk and You have no idea what they are discussing about that has to be top secret and with the whispering lol. But you didn't pay no mind at all and still kept your cool!
The waitress: Party of 6, DEVANTE SWING! (As the waitress yells)
Devante: whoop there goes my party but I'm so glad to bump into you man, we gotta hang out one day
Dino: yessir I'll make sure we will, we have a lot more to catch up on
Devante: indeed and it was nice meeting you...I'm sorry what was your name again?
You: (in your head "oh now he tryna be funny like he doesn't know my name) you came out of your head and said your name again to him lol
Devante: yesss (your name) nice to meet you too! And oh be sure you bring your girl to the Jodeci after party next week, she's gonna love it
Dino: we'll count it on brother!
Devante: alrighty y'all have a great evening
Both of us: You too!!!!
Dino: ahhhh it was so good seeing him! The good times me and him had!
You:  Yesss!!!
So hours go by and by and You and Dino are getting ready to leave as he pays the check and gives you the flowers
As you and Dino walking out of the restaurant, Dino has his arm around you and says
Dino: so baby you had a great time?
You: I had an amazing time with you, I love you so much and with all of my heart!
Dino: I love you much much more baby (he gives you a kiss and opens the passenger side door to you and closes it and he gets on the driver side and drives on in a 1998 Cadillac)
Y'all got home and got situated, you took a steamy how shower with your husband of course Dino🥰he's hugging you and you in his ear (I freaking love you) he's rubbing you all over making you feel like the woman of his life which you are🥰you and him share a special tongue kiss that he devours so much of you and he's devouring your neck as the water pours on the both of you, your nails scratching on his back up and down as he continues to lick your neck and you got down and gave him full head, he has hands on the wall as he looks down at you and says
Dino: ahhhh shitttt suck that dick like it yours 🥴
You continue to do what he says cause you LOVE following orders and as you kept going and at a certain point, he rained and his rain got in your mouth and of course you didn't wanna spit it out so you swallowed it like a real woman would!
So you and him got out of the shower, dried off and got into bed and you're getting in your favorite comfortable spot next to Dino as of course he holds you every night in his arms in bed! So as you putting your fragrance on for D, meanwhile D pulls out his phone and he texts a specific person this time of night, he looks to see if you aren't looking (which you aren't) so he texts none other than Devante

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