Fantasy #2

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POV: (your name) you are at the Soul Train Building where Dino just got done singing and he noticed you and your eyes were wide open. The concert is over and everyone left and Dino went backstage, he had a water bottle and a towel to wipe his sweat from his head. He's talking to some guys who were part of production, just laughing and joking and You (your name) just staring at him from a glance cause you're the only one there and as he looked to his right , he saw you. And you walked away and as you kept walking, he started to say "aye I'll holla at y'all later I got to go!" And one of the guys "ohhh I see you😏" so you walked out the back door and got in your car and drove, Dino is trying to look for you and keep up with you but apparently he was lost but suddenly he saw ( your name) face in the window glare of a car. And he got in his car and followed behind you, he tried to make it seem like he wasn't...but he was😏apparently he liked what he saw and that was ( your name). So you got home and parked your car in the garage, making sure the coast was clear and you happen to see a car that you usually don't see, but you didn't pay any mind, so you went back in the house and got settled. Meanwhile Dino was hiding in his car cause he thought you was tryna see who it was lol, so he got out of the car and walked up to the door and before he knocked, he noticed the door was slightly opened, he guessed he thought (Your name) left it open on purpose. So with no hesitation, he let hisself in and meanwhile you just got out of the shower and you heard the door slam and quick as a flash, you slowly went downstairs to see what was going on. You shouted "HELLO?!!"" You was facing at the front door and Dino walked across from you and you turned around, no one was there. So you walked back to your bedroom and facing your bed you was drying yourself off with your towel wrapped around you, just as soon as you turned around. Dino was at the door with his arm hanging on the door and you yelled and threw up your fist
Dino: WHOA WHOA chill out lil mama *he giggles
Y/N; unt unt you can't be scaring up on a sister like that, you would've got knocked the fuck out
Dino: haha I would've loved that knock out
Y/N: quit flattering yourself lol
Dino: I know you had ur eyes on me tonight, I like that.
Y/n: boy let me get dressed
He got in my way before I headed to the closet
Dino: I like you better with no clothes on
He's breathing real hard which that turned you on
He puts his hands around your waist, to your peach cakes and grabs both of them real tight and slapping it at the same time. You moaned in his ear as he had his head on your shoulder, which made him lick on your shoulder blade all the way up to your ear, making tongue sounds as you roll your eyes to the back of head of how good it felt . He rose from your shoulder and kissed you softly with his luscious lips and he has his hand on your face as he's kissing you and y'all back up on the wall and you take his blouse off and he picked you up and placed you on the wall, your legs on his shoulders and he said.
Dino: *breathing hard* yummy...( said in a deep voice)
He takes a small taste of you and he instantly wants more, he's taking it slow and putting his full focus on you and your kitty kat. As he's devouring you, you're moaning softly and loudly, to where he slowly takes his arm and slide his arm from your stomach to your titty bomb as he's rubbing your titty bomb as it boosted you to moan more loudly.
Dino: what's my name
Y/N : daddy....😩😩😩
Dino: you want me?
Y/N: I do...I DO🥴 *moaning at a high level *
Dino: you do?
Dino grabs you from the wall and pushed you on the bed and you're laid on your stomach and as you tryna get up he said
Dino: no, turn back around, I like you in that position 😏
You quickly get that into position as you got your legs spread wide open like butter on toast, he slowly unbuckle his belt and he put it in very slow. As he's putting it in  , your mouth was very wide open before a sound came out, you was took by surprise cause of how his hammer felt inside you and can you say it felt out of this world. It did😏
Your arm on his chest but he grabbed both of your arms and held both of your arms tight as he quickly says
Dino: take this dick...TAKE IT
Without hesitation, you did. You started to take control as you go back and forward as your peach cakes are clapping and Dino of course is enjoying it again!
Dino: oh hell yeah, take control baby girl...*breathing hard* I like that shit😈 (he moans hisself)
Your shyness flew out the window and your bad girl came into effect and you got up and you got on top of him and you was whipping your hair back and forth and rode it on fast and slow back to back. Both of your hands on his chest, he's looking at you with his hypnotizing eyes and it drove you to go faster and Dino said
Dino: awwww shitttt baby girl I didn't know you had it in you
Y/n: every time I look at you, you make me and my coochie pie go POP
Dino: hahaha I love that sense of humor maybe that's what I like about YOU
You're continuing to hop on him and both of you are moaning hard and you kissed him all over and his eyes goes to the back of his head, as you're giving him a hickey, he's licking all over on your neck, making you go hard and biting his neck, you didn't bite it too hard cause of course you didn't want to hurt him but he loved it anyway. As you guys both look in each other's eyes, he bits his lip and you bit your eyes and he says
Dino: looking at the sexy face finna make me cum
Y/n: do it, I wanna have your baby😩😩😩
Dino: you want it baby
Everything's falling from your lamp stand, your desk just because of how hard both of you are going at the same time. Dino rained in you and you both fell off the bed and y'all laughed extremely hard cause they didn't expect to do that.
Dino: my my my, you just take my soul away. Damn you are one of a kind
Y/n: thank you baby, so are you of course!
You're right beside each other and y'all kissed, tongue kissed as y'all are on the floor.

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