Fantasy (4) part 1

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POV: it's your first night working at Leon's Lounge in downtown Houston. The vibe has already settled in, perfect music, people enjoying themselves , amazing drinks. The lounge is perfect for anyone l to come in after a long/hard day of work, a place to come clear your head. It's the right place to come to! You are a waitress taking orders and handing out drinks for tonight, and you were talking to one of your co workers that makes the drinks that you give the orders too. While you and the co-worker are talking, as soon you turn your head, here comes this man. You can automatically feel his vibe once he stepped through the door, you remember in those movies where they have that hot guy in slow motion just walking? Heh, well that's what was going on here right now. And It was none other than Dino Conner, who is the talk of the town😍. A voice that was so impeccable, talk about a man filled with many gifts, that was Dino. The perfect guy that can sing at your wedding, the man who would sing happy birthday to you while you're embarrassed 😂etc. Dino is walking up to the bar and he sits next to you while you're on a break, relaxing yourself with Hypnotiq.

Dino: I'd like to have cherry wine with extra cherries pls
Bartender: coming right up!
Y/N: "usually guys who comes in here would take a beer, but I think it's very sexy that men can drink wine also.
Dino: hey beautiful
Y/N: hello !
Dino: tell me something, what's a fine woman like you doing in here
You giggle as he's making you blush.
Y/N: ah I work here!
Dino: is that right?
Y/N: Yes Sir! That's correct
Dino: I've never seen you here before, you must be new here
Y/N: Yes! I am (as you're smiling so bubbly as he's getting to know you)
Dino: ahhh that's amazing, you're gonna love it here. As you can tell they got great drinks here, the food is bomb and the music, it's superb, including this lovely bartender who ALWAYS fixes my drinks just right every time I come here. This is one of my go-to's
Y/N: Ooouuu, I can already feel it as I'm getting to it . I like that.
Dino has his drink and so do you!
You and Dino cheered as the both of you clicked each other's drinks!
Through the radio speakers they play all of the hottest old school R&B music from the 90s etc, now they are playing I Belong To You by Rome and the vibe just hit even more as this song is playing, everyone slow dancing to this jam on the floor.
Dino: can I have this dance?
You look at the bartender
Bartender: I can take it from here! you go on lil mama
You giggle and Dino takes your hand as you and him walk to the floor.
He's holding your waist just right like you want it, has your hand on his, you instantly feel butterflies in your stomach.
Dino: so tell me about yourself.
You are telling the fabulous things about yourself to him and Dino is utterly amazed by you !
Dino: my goodness, I don't think I've ever met a woman quite exquisite and so sweet like you, I can tell you are with the 2000s part, I'm digging the fashion, you are just gorgeous inside and out.
Y/N: haha thank you thank you (as you continue to blush) so enough of about me, tell me about you.
Dino is telling you things that you couldn't help but love of him because come on, that's DINO in front of you. He's everything a woman could want. Beautiful, intelligent, mysterious, talented, passionate in what he does,self worthy, he's every woman's dream. He's not just sexy on the outside, he's sexy on the inside too.
Y/N; oh my God, you are literally glamorous. You have me speechless here haha excuse me
Dino laughs and digging your vibes
Y/N: ugh I just love everything about you, umm not in a
Dino: haha I know what you mean lil mama, what you doing later
You tell him you'll chill and just be at home and you ask why.
Dino: I'm not the kinda guy that straight up ask could I come over but I'm really digging you and you just blow my mind with your personality, im really feeling you . And I wanted to see you if you'd be fine with that
Y/N: I would love that. Please
You give him the address and he accepts it.
Dino; I will be there😊

Dino had a limo driver to drive for him and the limo driver dropped him off at your place and he knocks on your door.
You opened the door and welcomed him. He complimented on the inside of your house and he made hisself at home on the couch. You suggested to him on watching a movie and he noticed you had the movies on dvds since you don't have a tv provider yet. He picked Juwanna Mann which happens to be one of his favorite movies . Me and him are laughing, having a great time, closely together as he puts his arm around my shoulders, my head on his chest.
Dino: I'm really having a great time with you, we have to do this again sometimes
Y/N: you can count on it! I feel the exact same way with you🥰)

The instant mood kicks in, Dino leans in and kisses you softly and he looks at you so irresistible. You kiss him back, you're in his lap and he's just devouring every part of your upper body. He's loving every single minute of it.
Part 2 coming next

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