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I wrote everything up to chapter 4 like a year ago and I'm too lazy to rewrite it so needless to say it's gonna be cringey at first so I'm sorry in advance 🤦🏽‍♀️


    "Okay here's your muffins and coffee have a great rest of your day" I say with a forced smile. The customer just nodded and left the cafe going to god knows where with a muffin and an americano with 3 shots of expresso.

Only physcopaths and very intimidating stereotypical office ladies would even dare to get that many expresso shots, but
lucky for us she was your typical Office lady so we're good for now.

Though I only just started my shift, I'm already anticipating my lunch break. I've been working at this cafe for about half a year and it's been great for the most part. The owner is the sweetest old lady I've ever met and gave me a job here even with my zero qualifications and I am forever in her debt.

Right now it's only me working in the shop as very few customers come for two employees to be needed.

The ring of the bell on the entrance door brought me out of my thoughts and I straightened up myself ready to put on my best fake customer service voice and attitude for the sake of keeping my job.  It was a very good looking guy that looked about my age with light brown hair.

As he got closer to the counter I can see he has a busted lip and a few small cuts on his face.

I thought how much that had to hurt and shuttered thinking about the pain it must feel to get punched in the face. But disregarded it once he finally came to a stop right in front of the cashier seemingly ready to order.

"Hi sir what can I get for you today?" I ask with a small smile.

"an iced americano with 8 shots of expresso will be all thanks" the guy said monotonously as he has is eyes fixated on his phone texting someone.

I quickly looked at him with disgust before replying, " no problem! Your total will be $5.48 can I get a name for your order?"

But before he could reply I muttered a quick "psychopath" under my breath . With my luck today I'll probably get robbed or something. I silently giggled at how unlikely that'll be for that to happen.

The guy finally looks up from his phone and takes out 6 dollars from is hoodie pocket and hands it to me. "Jaemin" he told me.

I give him a quick smile proceeding to take the money and open the cash register putting the money in and getting the changed needed and gave it to him. He muttered a thanks and went to sit at a table to wait.  I made my way to the coffee station to prepare his drink.

While making his drink I sigh. guilt slowly creeping up on me. With my 3 brain cells just finishing up their council meeting, they finally came to a conclusion.

After I finished making his drink I fished out a band-aid from my pocket and some ointment from my bag and set it right on top of his drink along with the straw.

" Jaemin your drink is ready"

He looked up from his phone and came over to the counter. He eyed the coffee up and down before looking up from it to look at me with a confused look," What's this for?"

" I saw the cuts on your face and thought you might've needed it. Dont worry it's on the house. I have plenty on hand since im always hurting my self one way or another ." I awkwardly laugh while rubbing the back of my neck.

He stared at me with disinterest," I don't need it" he coldly said and took the bandaid and ointment off the cover and started to walk away but before he could leave I grabbed his wrist. Then grabbed the items from the counter and put it in his hands.

" just take it...please?" I gave him the biggest cheese I could muster up hoping it would somewhat work.  He started at me then at my hand holding his wrist for a bit before sighing in defeat . " ok fine." he takes the stuff and I finally let go.

"Thanks fam you a real one for that g."

"Yea whatever." he muttered and went back to his table.

To be productive while I wait for another customer to walk in I start tidying up the cafe so I won't have to do much when it comes to closing time.

I first wash up the little amount of dishes I had from making previous coffees. Then I started wiping the counters eventually making my way to the tables.

I looked up from my wiping duties when I heard a frustrated sigh. My eyes made its way to where jaemin is sitting at the other side of the cafe  and to my surprise is trying to put on the ointment I gave him.

I let out a short laugh.It was almost quite entertaining seeing him struggle.I left the rag I was using to clean on the table and made my way over to him.

"Need help?" I asked with slight amusement.
He looked away from the ointment packet in his hands and his eyes landed onto mine. Only briefly though as he went straight to looking back at the packet.

"No" he muttered annoyed.

"You sure? Cause from over there it looked liked you were struggling a bit" I told him with a smirk, enjoying this a little too much then I should be.

"Are workers here suppose to be this annoying or is it just you?" Jaemin finally looked back up at me with an annoyed expression for anyone to take a hint a mile away. But I took no consideration for that nonetheless.

"Nope just me" I said proudly with a grin.

Jaemin just rolled his eyes taking a sip from his poison. He looks away from me and onto to the window behind me. Staring a little longer he sees something that makes his eyes slightly widen a bit but not noticiable enough for me to notice it.

He managed to muster up a small plan in his head hoping it just might work then proceeds to get up from his seat now switching from it being me looking down at him to me looking up at him.

"We need to go to your break room now."


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