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Song recc: fool - NCT 127

"Oh for the love of- who in their right minds decides to shoot up a cafe 8:00 on a Tuesday morning ?!" I whispered yelled to no one in particular.

"Didn't i tell you to make no sound?!" Jaemin whispered yelled back.

"Hey I think I heard something in here!" A raspy voice yelled.

I quickly put my hand over my mouth to prevent any noise coming out of me. 'Please don't let it be this room please don't let it be this room.' I kept repeating in my head while crossing my fingers. Unfortunately Lady Luck isn't on my side today.

There is now banging on the break room door. "We know you're in there!" Someone yelled.

My heart starts beating faster and my palms are getting sweaty. I can feel my breath quickening with each dreadful second.
Is this really the end?

I zone back in when I felt a touch on my arm. I look to my left and see jaemin is pushing me slightly behind him to cover me. 
"Just stay behind me" he whispered.

I think it's me being on the verge of death but I put my trust in him so I scooted over to where he almost covers all of me.

After a few more kicks the door finally breaks open. I grab the back of jaemin's hoodie out of sheer fear and harshly closed my eyes like it'll make me invisible or something.

Silence fills the room and the only thing you can hear is the slow pace a person footsteps. One after the other.
Then it abruptly stops.

A few seconds pass. But then to my despair...

🎶space unicorns soaring through the stars delivering the rainbows all around the world...🎶

My eyes wide immediately. "Fuck fuck fuck noo shut up" I angrily whispered fishing out my phone from my apron pocket to turn off my ringtone.

Jaemin just looked at me shaking his head with disappointment then face palming his face. I just gave him a apologetic look. "Hehe whoops."


Me and jaemin look up to see a guy dressed in all black with a scar next to his left eye pointing his gun at us.

"Found ya" he said with a slight smirk.

My grip on jaemin's hoodie tightened heart sinking and jaemin pushes more behind him.

He roughly grabs Jaemin by the collar pulling him up and puts the gun on his forehead. My grip no longer on his hoodie all that being left are wrinkles in the spot.

"You steal our inventory and you didn't think we would find out?" He scoffs "pathetic and you guys are supposed to be the best around ?what a joke."

Jaemin just stared at the man with a blank expression. " Oh we knew but we couldn't care less about a such a low life gang finding out" he flat out told him.

"You little brat I should just kill you right here right now!" the man fumed.

"Then do it" Jaemin dared him.

I looked at jaemin in disbelief. Has he gone mad?!

"Oh I will. But first, how about we kill this pretty little girl first" he stated his smirk back on his hideous face. "I presume she's a witness right ? Cant have any of those now can we?" he chuckled.

Jaemin now starts struggling in his grasp, " don't you dare she has nothing to do with this." he threatened.

" Oh but you see unlike NCT we don't have any morals. Innocent or not a witness is a witness and I don't want to have to deal with the police so in conclusion she dies." the man explained aiming the gun right at my forehead.

I stare at the muzzle of the gun, my life flashing before my eyes. All I really thought about right now was who's gonna feed my goldfish when I'm gone.

I squinted my eyes preparing to be shot, but right before he could pull the trigger gun shots was heard outside the door.

The man turned toward the commotion catching him off guard which gave jaemin the perfect opportunity to punch him in the face. The man groans in pain and releases jaemin from his grip along with the gun now being on the floor.

"What the hell is going on?!" The man yelled eyeing jaemin clutching his now bloody nose.

Jaemin just smirks at him, "looks like the dreamies decided to finally make appearance."

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