Chapter 3

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Kasumi's POV

I kept (Naruto-style) running with my brother.

We stopped at a dark corner and saw...bloody (Mary---no) Tanjiro. "Oh my goodness!" I almost screamed out.

Muzan quickly ran to Tanjiro and picked him up. "He is losing too much blood!" He yelled. "We must turn him into a demon or else he will die!"

"Yes, do it." I said.

Tanjiro's POV

I was resting in darkness comfortably when I started to hear someone called out my name over and over again.

I then slowly opened my eyes and saw Kasumi sitting next to me.

"Tanjiro! You are finally awake!" She exclaimed. "I have been so worried about you!"

" long have I been sleeping?" I asked weakly.

"Umm...about a week, dude." She replied.

"What!? I...anyway, thank you for taking care of me." I said with a smile and then looked at my arms.

The wounds disappeared!

"My wounds...why..."

"You are a demon now." Kasumi said simply and that shocked me.

"W-what do you mean by...I am a d-demon..." I asked, trembling violently.

Kasumi's POV

I signed and explained, "My brother and I found you were injured so badly that you would die. So, he turned you into a demon to keep you alive."

"..." Tanjiro kept silent with his eyes widened.

"I am so sorry, Tanjiro. We just want to save you." I apologized.

"That is alright. I will not blame you or Muzan." Tanjiro smiled like an angel and said.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! My brother-in-law is sooooo cute!!!" I thought. "If it was not Muzan, I would take Tanjiro as my husband TwT"

Just then, the door was opened. And there stood a Michael Jackson, who was Muzan.

"So you are awake. I see." He said coldly.

"What the f***! Can you be nicer to your future wife?" I wondered and sent a death stare to him.

Muzan seemed to notice it and coughed a little. He then walked toward me and Tanjiro and asked, "Are you hungry, Tanjiro?"

Tanjiro's POV

Muzan asked me whether I was hungry or not and I said, "I will NOT eat humans."

"I am not telling you to eat human. I am suggesting you to drink my blood." He said softly and I was kind of...stunned? I mean...why would the demon king be soft to his enemy.

"Uh...yes I am hungry." Yet, I replied.

He then hand over his arm and I bit it.

A few minutes later, I let go.

"Thank you, Muzan." I said and sent him a smile.

Muzan's POV

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Tanjiro is soooooooooooooo beautiful and cute!!!" I blushed and thought.

" two can talk. I will not disturb you. Bye!" My sister said and ran out.

"Wa-" I tried to call her back but she slammed the door.

I signed.

Meanwhile, on the other side, with the past demon slayer...

In the house of Kamado...

No one's POV

"What the hell do you mean by missing!" Nezuko, who memorized her past three days ago, yelled.

"We are so sorry, miss." The police said and left.

Nezuko started crying. "I-if I went home with him that day, he wouldn't go missing! It is all my fault!" She cried out.

"Shh...he is gonna be alright." Nezuko's mother comforted.

At this moment, one of Nezuko's siblings came. "Why are you crying, sister?"

Nezuko couldn't answer.

"Your brother, Tanjiro, went missing." Kie helped answering.

"Oh, that brat. Who cares about him anyway?"

"Rokuta! He is your brother!" Nezuko yelled.

"Well, I have never expected him to be." Rokuta said.

"You! How dare you!?" Nezuko almost hit Rokuta when Kie stopped her.

"Calm down, Nezuko." Kie said sweetly. "All you need to do, is to forget about Tanjiro. Then, things will be fine."

Nezuko glared at her mother.

"Are you even his mother?" She mocked simply.

Kie didn't responded. She supposed that Nezuko would never talk back.

"You, Kie Kamado, do not deserve to be his mother. And so do I..." Nezuko said. "I am not deserved to be his sister either. I hurt him too much..." Then, she started crying again and ran to her room.

At this moment, someone knocked on the front door. Kie opened it and saw two young men.

"Excuse me, is Tanjiro here?" One of them asked.


To be continued...

Word count: 719

Goal: 10 views to update Chapter 4 :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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