Chapter 2: Plan

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Kasumi's POV

I took my wallet out and turned to Tanjiro. "Rest first. You are injured." I winked to him and said. He looked puzzled but nodded.

I walked toward to Himari Eiko and said, "Himari-chan, can you help me to take care of my wallet for a while?"

Himari's POV

Kasumi, the new students, came to me and asked me to take care of her wallet. I quickly nodded. "Haha! I can frame Kamado by using this wallet. Then, Himari will not trust that bastard anymore! How brilliant am I?" I thought.

Kasumi's POV

After handing the wallet to the brat, I left, leaving Tanjiro resting.

I walked to a corner that was not far away. I mumbled something. Then, a few minutes later, I walked back to the classroom.

When she got back to the classroom...

Himari's POV

I saw Kasumi came back and pretended sobbing.

"Kasumi-chan~ I was talking with my friends when your wallet suddenly disappeared! I am so sorry! I-I..." I started crying and the students were attracted. They all came and comforted me that it was okay. I smiled.

"I have an idea, Kasumi-chan. Maybe, we should check everyone's schoolbag!" I suggested.

"That's a good idea!" Kasumi said.

Then, I walked to Kamado and knocked his desk.

Tanjiro's POV

I woke up from my sleep and saw Himari standing in front of me.

"What is it, Himari?" I asked.

"May I check your schoolbag, Tanjiro-kun?" She smiled and said.

I gazed around the room and asked, "What is happening?"

Kasumi smiled and said, "Just give her to see, Tanjiro."

I hesitated for a while and said, "O-ok..."

Himari's POV

I checked Kamado's schoolbag but found nothing!

"What!? I am sure that I put Kasumi's wallet in his bag! Why..."

"Looks like my wallet is not in his bag, Himari-chan." Kasumi's speech interrupted my thought.

"Ha...ha...yeah...." I faked a smile.

"Where the f*** is that stupid wallet!?" I wondered.

No one's POV

Kasumi secretly smiled. Then, she walked to Himari's bag and took out her wallet.

"Oh my~ Why is my wallet in your bag, Himari-chan~?" Kasumi said.

"What!? Why...why..." Himari thought.

" is not me! I swear!" She shouted with tears.

At this moment, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Giyuu came.

"Himari-chan!!!" Zenitsu ran to the b**** and yelled. "What happened? Why are you crying!?"

"Zenitsu-kun...Kasumi-chan said I stole her wallet...but I didn't! Please believe me..." Himari cried.

"Shh...I believe you." Zenitsu patted Himari's head gently. Then, he turned to Tanjiro and exclaimed, "It must be you! Tanjiro Kamado!"

"W...what???" Tanjiro said.

"You! You tricked Himari!" Inosuke shouted.

"What!? I did nothing!?" Tanjiro cried.

"Yeah! It is you!" The other students agreed.

"Apologise, you freaks!" Inosuke yelled.

Tanjiro walked backward slowly and collapsed when he touched the wall.

He started dropping tears.

Kasumi's POV

I noticed that the situation got worse and ran to Tanjiro.

"Stop!" I defended. "Do you have evidence that Tanjiro tricked Himari? If no, then shut the f*** up!"

"Kasumi-chan~ I am sorry...but it is not me~ I-it is Tanjiro-kun! But I know he didn't mean it, so don't blame him..." Eiko used that...disgusting tone to talk to me. I almost vomited :P

Tanjiro's POV

"Don't be so kind, Himari-chan. That brat doesn't deserve your kindness." Zenitsu said.

Yes...I was too let Himari hurt me...

"Tanjiro Kamado, you framed a innocent student. Behaving marks will be deducted." Giyuu said coldly.

Why didn't you believe me!? I did nothing...

Later, after school...(Me lazy uwu)

Tanjiro's POV

Nezuko refused to walk back to home with me again...nevermind...

"Tanjiro!" Someone called me. I turned my head and saw Kasumi. "I need to go now, see you!" She said.

I smiled and replied, "Bye!"


I was walking alone when somebody suddenly dragged me to a corner.

"Ah!" I fell down on the ground and looked up.

It was Muichiro and some other students.

"I heard that you bullied Himari-chan again." He said and faked a smile. "You should know that what is coming after you."

"No...I am sorry!" I yelled.

"It is too late for apologising." He grabbed a wooden bat and hit me hard.

"Ahhhh!!!" I screamed.

They kept hitting me like until I lost conscious. They left me in blood after that. I didn't care. I would even be happy if I died like that.


I didn't...

Someone saved me...


To be continued...

Word count: 714

Goal: 10 views to update Chapter 3 :)

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