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Chapter Thirty Nine:

"I've become so numb,
I can't feel you there.
Become so tired,
So much more aware."

A small hiss escaped my lips as Darius pulled a strand of my hair

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A small hiss escaped my lips as Darius pulled a strand of my hair.

"Fuck! I am so sorry, my little angel. Your hair... are just too long." He apologized and kissed the top of my head.

I frowned up at him from the mirror and he quickly added, "And beautiful, of course."

A smile replaced my frown and I blushed while averting my gaze from his hypnotizing ones.

We were sitting in hi- our room and he had this sudden urge to do my hair for me after I complained about not being able to do them properly given that my shoulder was still in the process of healing.

He watched a YouTube tutorial on 'how to make a french braid; beginner's guide' and got to work.

So far, he'd made quite a mess and I was sure I would have a hard time untangling them later, but he looked absolutely the cutest as his whole attention was focused on my locks.

It has been two days since Sylvia and Adrian left for Italy and I actually miss having Sylvia around. She was nothing but kind towards me, an absolute sweetheart.

I did give her a hard time in the beginning, unintentionally, but she told me more and more about herself and I had been taught that if somebody puts effort to be a part of your life, you should do the same in return.

She told me what she went through and I couldn't help but admire her and of course her husband had been there with her every step of the way.

"There, all done." Darius spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked up in the mirror and burst out laughing as I stared my horribly made hair. There were small strands sticking out from everywhere and the braid was nowhere near finished. He had just managed to jumble the pieces here and there.

Darius scoffed and I placed a hand over my mouth in an attempt to muffle my chuckles.

He sighed in defeat and started to undo it but I quickly stood up and pushed his hand away, "No!" I exclaimed.

"But it's not good." He stated in distaste.

I cupped his jaw and shook my head with a small smile, "You tried and that's what matters the most."

"You were laughing a few seconds ago." He cocked a brow at me.

I giggled, "It was because I look funny."

He pushed my hair away from my face, "You look beautiful." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Only you would say that, right now." I gave him a small smile.

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