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Chapter Sixty-Seven:


"Cause I've been on this train too long
People getting off and on
I'm prayin' that I don't forget where I belong
And every time I ask myself
"Am I turning into someone else?"
I'm praying that I don't forget just who I am
I really wanna understand
I just wanna understand
'Cause we all get lost sometimes, yeah
We all get lost sometimes
Don't leave your heart behind."

Eirene's POV

"He went through hell and back without you, Eirene. Those were the toughest six months for my brother. I had never seen this distraught." Alec said as he gently squeezed my hands that were held in his.

"I know. I can understand." I whispered.

"I'm so glad now that you're here. We all are." He smiled.

I smiled back at him through tears and nodded my head.

It was now my fourth day here. His family had come to see me today and after spending the evening with us, they were now leaving. Alec just stood at the door with me while everybody else was already out the door.

"Don't cry, okay? You're with him now. And with us, too." He said and gave me a hug.

"Thank you." I hugged him back.

"Get away from her, Alec." I heard Darius's voice from behind him and looked up.

Our eyes met and he had an unimpressed expression etched on his face.

Alec scoffed and pulled away, "Still the same." He whispered.

I chuckled a bit and nodded my head, "It's better this way." I whispered.

He grinned and turned around to climb down the stairs.

Darius came to stand beside me and gently grabbed my hand in his, “How was your session today?” He asked while looking ahead.

I gave him a side glance and pursed my lips, “It went fine.”

He briefly glanced at me, “Good. Let’s go inside.”

His hand left mine as soon as we entered inside and he closed the front door.

“Goodnight.” He wished me and went in the direction of the stairs.

I closed my eyes and sighed quietly.

Ever since that night, we have been sleeping in separate rooms because he did not want to overwhelm me and wanted me to have my space before I get adjusted to all of this, once again.

Honestly, I barely sleep when he’s not around. It was like I was all over again in Russia. There was not one night when I had slept peacefully. I would often wake up after getting two to three hours of sleep.

“Darius.” I called him just as he reached the foot of the stairs.

He stopped and turned around to face me, “Yeah?”

“Is this why you stopped me from going back?” I asked.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, “What?”

“Is this why you stopped me from going back?” I repeated.

He exhaled and ran a hand through his hair, “Where do you want to go, Eirene? This is your home.”

I shook my head and started to walk towards him, “This is not my home, Darius. You are. And, I’m sorry for not realising this when I should have but I need you to know this now.”

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