Chap : 8

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Suddenly they heard footsteps coming near nearer and finally someone appears in fron of them

All sees the person who had just entered in Abhishek was emotional seeing the person whereas that person was having a stone face to him
The person was

All sees the person who had just entered in Abhishek was emotional seeing the person whereas that person was having a stone face to himThe person was

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Purab Khanna

Seeing him Alia was the first one to speak

Alia : Thank god Purab you are here this di of yours had tried to take our son away from us and you she also slapped Bhai

Abhishek : Purab finally you are here, see Disha and Sunny is also here I know you would be super ecstatic seeing him and also you can take his custody from Disha

Even before Alia could burst out some thing to Abhishek and Others Pallavi decided to intrude

Pallavi : Abhishek why will he be happy meeting Sunny, how is he related to him???

Purab (cool) : Cause he is my first son

All 3 Kohli's were confused except for the Mehra's as they knew everything so they kept mum

Pallavi (confused) : What but he just called her ( pointing Disha) his Mom then how can he be your son unless

Pragya intrudes in between to add some tadka

Pragya : unless he was in relationship with Disha before Alia ( in her thoughts then she tried to play her cards)

This shocked Kohli's where as Rhea was super confused and all youngsters were just enjoying her expression and Alia lost all the charm on her face she was just starring at Purab who was standing there all in his glory without caring about anything else

Kohli's : WHAT!!!

Purab : Let me explain my life to you, So basically me and Abhishek were friends from childhood as we grew up abhi started his carrier and with his earing I started my business basically with his financial help and then he sent Alia to London for her studies that time me and Alia were good friends (rolling his eyes) but Alia was kind of attracted to me so she asked Abhishek to get her married to me when she was here for her holidays, I didn't had anyone in my life and also I didn't wanted to have problems in our friendship so I agreed but soon my first love entered my life " BULBUL" she was just the person I had asked for in my life the person who completed me and made me lively leaving the arrogant Khanna attitude. I gt the smile in my life, Then we confessed it each other. At that time Pragya Di was going to get married to her neighbour Suresh as at that time she was professor in college and Sarla ma her mother used to run a wedding hall and Bulbul was working under me, so Bulbul told me that she told about us to Pragya Di and she wanted to meet me, I was talking to her and Alia got a glimpse of us talking and thought that Di is trying to trap me so she asked Abhishek to handle Pragya Di and get her out my life soon Pragya Di's Marriage was broken and in order to get revenge Alia asked Abhishek to marry Pragya Di and as Abhishek's dadi already knew Pragya Di so Sarla Maa accepted but then after marriage Abhishek started to manhandle Di And used to torture her but she knew that it was because of My - Bulbul's love that she has to go through the torture so she she kept quiet. Bulbul got to know the truth about their marriage so she decided to break up with me so that Pragya Di can have a happy married life and I being her love didn't denied as that incident brought some crackes in  my and Abhishek 's Friendship but eventually I got to know that even after my marriage with Alia, they are planning to throw Pragya Di out so I ran off making Abhishek furious whereas Tanu Abhishek 's girlfriend to create disruption between them wrote a letter and kept it in their room so Abhishek furiously went to find out about my and Pragya Di's whereabouts, while I blackmailed Bulbul to meet me as she was staying away from me to avoid doubt. Once she came I tried to explain her the situation and also asked her to marry me at that instance but she refused so I forcefully took her to Mandir already to marry her but she had previously informed Pragya Di about our meeting so she stopped me I impulsively confronted her and Bulbul stopped me because I was behaving rudely then Abhishek got to know and he reached there he just noticed me and Di talking but failed to notice Bulbul behind the pillar and he tried to harm Pragya Di but Bulbul told him everything about us and he started beating me but I somehow eloped with Bulbul and we were misguided to jungle that night Sarla ma got heart attack which Di was afraid of, Alia got to know about me being in love with Bulbul. Then I tried to convince Bulbul but she didn't agree then somehow we reached hospital. After a few days everyone's life was coming back to normal except mine and Bulbul I was unable to meet her, Sarla Maa didn't allowed her as it would cause effect on Di's Marriage. Then Bulbul got to know about the financial crises and the legal notice regarding their Wedding Hall that night I was actually going to commit suicide I had already cutted my wrist though not to deep but the same time door bell rang and I saw her than she came in saying she needed my help to get a lawyer and she noticed my living room filled with her and my pictures and also a drop of blood on one of the photos and Knife lying there she noticed my wrist and bandaged it with her hankey she was disheartened and angry that I was killing my self than I dropped her to my lawyer friend but she forgot the file in car so I went in only to see him misbehaving with her making me furious I beat the shit out of him causing me get hurted on the hand having cutted wrist on the way back I got to know that she was the same guy who tried to trap her family to get married to her but she refused. Then she was making me understand not to commit suicide again Sarla Maa saw us and we both tried to explain her the situation but she just said she knows that we both love eachother but fate is not on our side. Both of us had tears in our eyes, then the same lawyer tried to destroy their wedding hall but I and Abhishek stopped it and in all this we forgot about Alia who had another plan ready to break Pragya Di's Character it actually happened all except me, and her family pointed her character but then end time Abhishek himself got proof I went to see off Bulbul along with Her family that time Bulbul decided to talk to me a final time and told me her decision to stay away from me. I was shattered and then a work call came so I got busy in office next day dinner Sarla Maa invited Pragya Di and Abhishek for dinner and Pragya Di's dadi used to drink with Abhishek while going to terrace he heard Bulbul and Pragya Di talking, Bulbul was teasing her as usual but di mentioned that to understand her emotions she (Bulbul ) needs to get married, so Bulbul replied is it necessary to get married to understand that emotions and if is it so than she will never be able to feel it as she won't get married and said your life is finally on track so it's better we don't meet I haved talked to Purab also regarding the same and he accepted my decision then they noticed Abhishek in fury left he called me and said if he wants me to get his trust back I have to marry the girl he choose for me and I agree as I knew taht Bulbul will never misunderstand me both of us went to girl's house but I was shocked to see the car stopped in front of Arora house then he said taht if I want to start something fresh I needed to forget the past we walked in he asked me and Bulbul to promise that we will never remember our moments i.e our past and will only concentrat on our future and will always be together We both were shocked so we're the rest of family but he said that he wanted we both to get married Pragya Di and family had tears of happiness in her eyes soon all got settled Pragya Di and Abhishek went back home while I wanted to spent some time with Bulbul, Sarla Maa asked her to get me food she refused and teased me saying I am telling you about it now itself I am not going to cook after marriage so you make yourself or hire a chef, Alia got to know about our marriage so she lashed at Pragya Di but Abhishek said it was his decision then Alia attempted suicide after she came out of hospital she behaved liked she was changed we were happy soon it was my and Bulbul's engagement and Purvi their cousin and Pragya Di decided to tease me and Alia who was waiting for an opportunity to hurt her
used it as Pragya Di had Bulbul hidden the lawyer waiting for revenge Alia joined hands with them and planned to get Bulbul kidnapped but instead Pragya Di got kidnapped and in order to save her Abhishek to got captive and in saving themselves they ended near a cliff and lawyer  shooted Pragya Di but Abhishek came in between and as Pragya Di was holding his hand both fall of cliff all of us thought that they died and Alia felt guilty as her Bhai was dead because of her plan but Pragya Di save both of them and also confessed that she loved him Abhishek was shocked but then they came home My and Bulbul's function were going in full swing but someone tried to kill her by drowning in the pool but Di and Me and Abhishek reached on time and both were saved then Di heard Alia talking to Tanu about her plans to kill Bulbul so she warned her. On our wedding day she herself sat on the pavillion by getting Bulbul unconscious then Abhishek saw her reflection on the water and stopped the wedding, We rushed to hospital were as Abhishek was ashamed so Tanu took him to her home and there happened something
Next-day we were back from hospital Bulbul was doing well, everything was good gradually Abhishek fall in love with Pragya Di but before he could confess she came to know that Tanu is pregnant with Abhishek's child so she decided to back off but suddenly Abhishek proposed Di and she too reverted the feelings but then Tanu reminded her of the baby. Di said everything about Baby to Abhishek he was not believing it but in DNA reports his name was there so he accepted soon Di started doing things to hurt the family like taking money, she even got Akash and Rachna Married to each other as they loved each other but Akash's parents were not ready to accept Rachna so Akash left with Rachna and finally she left so Abhishek could announce her wedding with Tanu as expected after few days news spread in media and Di came to meet Tanu and got to know about baby being Nikhil's then on their Mehndi day she came fully transformed by playing that she is owner of property she did everything to find proofs against Tanu Infact Dadi, Me and Bulbul helped her later on she got to know that Alia is planning to marry me so she requested me and Bulbul to get married next day and we got married
Abhishek was furious as he wanted our grand wedding but we settled at Grand Reception. Alia was furious on Pragya Di as she got us married so she planned to kill her but Bulbul saved her and her face was damaged, so to get Bulbul out of my life Alia instigated Bulbul on commiting suicide and She jumped off cliff. We all broke as specially Me and Pragya Di which made our bond stronger and I motived her to complete the plan, she somehow got the proof but Tanu Alia and Nikhil destroyed it. She told the truth to Abhishek as a night he just went to his farmhouse all was good they both got together but Nikhil bribe a man to fail the breaks of Di's car but as Abhishek left to pick up breakfast he got into accident and lost his memories. Pragya Di was back to her life with her mother and then she again joined Abhishek as his secretary eventually he again fall in love with Di but Alia didn't like Di so she and Tanu trapped Abhishek and called media announcing their marriage but on their wedding day Pragya Di got Kidnapped by Nikhil's goons but Abhishek to left to save Pragya Di in all chase he finally got his memories but one of the goon fired the bullet and Di fall in river. Abhishek came back and he threw Alia Tanu out of the house but coincidence that they find Pragya Di's look a like and threatened her to play the role of Pragya Di or else they will harm her nephew and niece so she agreed Alia again entered the house with motive of claiming all the properties from Abhishek and was using look-alike for the same. I left haryana for the deal and there I met Disha her village people blamed us as we were in the school whole night saving ourselves from the local goon and we both got married, Disha blamed herself for spoiling my life but I was not liking her this blame game we came back the local goon was behind Disha as he wanted to get married to Disha but instead we got married,  but Di returned and look-alike left searching her kids and Di came back to Abhishek, Di accepted Disha as her sister she thought that her Bulbul was back and explained me not to spoil her life and accept the marriage wholeheartedly and I felt the same then Di also told us about the look-alike thing and also that she met her father while they were kidnapped and got to know about her two more younger sisters PREETA and SHRISHTI. I and Disha too grew close and started loving each other which made Alia jealous. Then one of the Abhishek's old killer wife turned up and many times tried to kill her but Di saved him. But in an accident because of her plans we lost Dadi and Abhishek blamed Pragya Di for her death. After some days she left we got the news that Disha was pregnant then Sanav Khanna urf Sunny was born , 7 years passed by Pragya Di returned with King Singh and Kaira, Abhishek was in courtship with Tanu and Pragya Di and King were in courtship Kaira was Abhishek and Pragya Di's daughter. King Singh was popstar so Abhishek and King had a collaboration due to which he met King and Do slowly he got to know about Kaira being his daughter but Di refused to accept as she feared that he will snatch Kiara from her atlast we did a DNA test, they were together to get Neha and Tarun Married, Neha was Mittal Bhabhi and Raj Bhai's daughter whereas Tarun was King's Chachi son on their wedding day Abhishek planned to get married to Di again and me and Disha helped him, Tanu instegat Di that Abhishek will snatch Kiara so she ran away but Kiara needed her uniform tie so she left mall, Abhishek too left behind Di the mall was attacked by terrorist soon both confessed about their relationship with their partners and Di also confessed that Kiara was their daughter, They got married along with Neha Tarun soon months passed and Di was again pregnant and Tanu started to harm her to kill the babies but was failing so with the help of Nikhil she kidnapped Kiara and demanded money Di was very tensed and asked Abhishek to give money and get Kiara but Abhishek informed police and Nikhil got to know about that, Di delivered Prachi and Rhea and was determined to save Kiara and asked for King's help. Nikhil had Kiara at gunpoint and even warned Abhishek to send police but he didn't agree and both Nikhil Kiara fell of cliff and Di and Abhishek were heartbroken, Di blamed Abhishek for bringing police while Abhishek  blamed Di for not trusting him and taking King's help and he to blamed her for Kiara's death so Di said that if he had not met him her Kiara would have been safe and also said that she will leave Abhishek with her daughters but Abhishek refused and Disha suggested to take a daughter each thus Di had Prachi and Abhishek had Rhea


Longest Chapter -3000 words
How was Purab's entry??

Did you liked flashback???

What will be Rhea's reaction on the truth??

Will Rhea change???

How will Alia  react??

How will they come to know about the remaining truth???

Will someone else entry happened??


Thankyou you guys so so much for such massive response and also for liking the book so much

I will be adding Abhinavi soon

Do you want any other couple in appearance???

Till then comment and keep voting


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