Chap : 10

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As soon as Pragya finished MK's were very furious and Pallavi was hell angry with SK'S for meeting their children without their permission

Pallavi : How dare you take our Children to you without our permission??? What do you mean by leaving to caretaker???

Siddharth, Sunny and Disha who were silent till now finally spoke

Siddharth : Don't just Don't

Sunny : Pointing us and our daring you can't change the fact that you yourself never cared about them more than your business

Ranbir : Which reminds me Why don't you visit your office once

Aryan : As another shock is waiting for you there

This made them panic and soon all started Rushing to the office still unbothered about their claiming kids. Rhea was furious on seeing that Ranbir was unbothered (As if he cares). She was about to go to him but Alia stops her inside she was boiling but she knew that right now Business was more important.
As soon as they left Ranbir quickly layed on Pragya's lap where as Aryan on Disha's. Both Prasha smiling ruffles their hairs making them relaxed and making Sunny, Vansh and Siddharth shake their heads.

Vansh : Shona, should I push the plan further??

All gets attentive and all laziness fly out of windows and as No girls were there they thought it was right time to plan forward

They discussed the plan for some time then went to freshen up. After changing all moves towards dining table as all were hungry and skipped lunch due to MK'S.

After having lavishing lunch all were settled in the hall talking randomly
Purab along with girls returned from their lunch date and settled beside their respective partners, Suddenly Avneet remembered something and got straight

Avneet : Oh Shit!!

Vansh : What happened???

Avneet : I forgot to give you guys your gifts which I brought

Siddharth : But you where is London itself then why gifts Madoo ???

Avneet : Sidoo if you don't want the gift it's ok let others have and Mr Weak memory Let me remind you I went to Kenya for 2 weeks so I brought gifts

Siddharth : Sorry (making innocent face) Madoo even I want my gift Plz Madoo

(A/N:I Miss them being MADOO's 😭😭 #sidneetiansmoments)

Avneet : Fine. (Ordering) follow me and help me get them down

Siddharth quickly nods his head and both moves upstairs all very giggling seeing the cute batter

Soon both returned with many many bags and kept all on the cofee table on the centre

Avneet : So firstly starting with Dadda
Here take this (handing him some bags)

Vansh :Love you Amanda (He takes the bags, keep them on the sofa and hugs her  and then kisses her forehead)

Avneet : I love you too 💕my Dadinator.

Shahana (excited) : If you are done can ve please open the gifts

Vansh : sure (and opens his gifts)

Prachi : Aww that VP couple chain is so cute but the best part is the t shirt (teasingly to boys) indeed Dad is a stupid fixer

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Prachi : Aww that VP couple chain is so cute but the best part is the t shirt (teasingly to boys) indeed Dad is a stupid fixer

Aryan (grumpy) : Di don't make fun of us (Turning to Prasha) see Mumma they are making fun of us

Vansh (teasing) : Don't be a  Mumma's boy and complain everything to your momma

Pragya (smirking) : Really Vansh you are saying that, Should I tell your secret to them

Vansh (horrified) : NO

Pragya : Then don't tease my babies and Avu why that specific message??

Avneet : Well I found it true and also I have something that can make you blush

Vansh : Really !!!

Avneet nods and pulls out another Tshirt

Pragya blushes Where Vansh kisses her jaw and

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Pragya blushes Where Vansh kisses her jaw and

Vansh : (To Avneet ) Amenda this is the best (while looking at Pragya) and TRUE

All hoots and Pragya hids her face with her hands then to divert the topic said

Pragya : Okay fine now who is next??

Avneet : Nice topic change. But anyways Let's go with Poppins (Purab)

Purab : Okay

Avneet : Here all yours ( handing out some bags)

Shahana: Avu you brought couple chains for Hero too this is awesome

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Shahana: Avu you brought couple chains for Hero too this is awesome.

(A/N So Shahana calls Purab as hero since her childhood and is more close to him than Vansh)

Avneet (with a hairflip) : I know I am Amazing

All chuckles at their behaviour whereas let's see what is happening with MK Family

All reached the office except Taiji and Tauji they went home, whereas Rhea was just bossing around wenting her anger on the poor staff this behaviour of Rhea didn't bothered Anyone. The asked if anything happened or they made any loss but everything was fine (was it really??) They stayed there whereas Alia brought Rhea home.
Rhea enters home and start throwing things here and there in anger same was with Alia as she saw Disha and also that Aryan knows that he was not her son. Both psycho were behaving their natural of destroying everything
Taiji And Tauji had explained about everything to Dasi so she was not shocked. The rest of the day of the MK Family passed Handling the psychos and then went to sleep as they totally Forgot about Arbir as always

(But they didn't know was that it was that  strom has entered their life)


How was it guys??

What is SK Family plan??

Will girls know about the planning???


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