Chap :16

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As Avneet opens the letter and read the content in it all the colours of her face changed

Siddharth who was standing on the other side made his way to her all gave him the way seeing the situation he stood beside her and took her into a side hug then took the letter in his other hand and the expression on his face changed too. This made every one very curious but seconds later Avneet was in Siddharth's arms and he was twirling her with tears of happiness in their eyes thus Pragya interrupted

Pragya : Are you guys interested in telling us your reason for this happiness??

Siddharth left Avneet and she went and hugged her tightly and then breaking the hug said which made everyone shock

Avneet : I am getting awarded as The Best Actress for my latest film in London

All (Except Sarla, Siddharth, Kaira) : What!!!!

Avneet : Yes

Soon she was in a group hug with her in the centre and all were really happy

Sarla : And the best thing is that award function is here in Delhi itself as many actor and actress were fond to visit India

Shahana : That means we will be able to shop for function and wedding along with arrangements and we can show someone else their place too

Avneet : Correct I was thinking the same thing

Preeta : So kiddos how are you gonna this news??

Younger Clan : Movie Marathon

Shrismeer : we are in

Kaira : We too

Akshu : I tuo

All went in awe but Purab said

Purab : We all are in but let's just get done with this party and guest are here too

All nodes and move to the buffet area and spreads

Reem and Avneet were discussing something with their experiences which noticed by all and then suddenly Reem said

Reem : Bub but you promised me!!

Avneet widens her eyes making her realise that she said out loud

Jaijeet : What were you both talking and what promise she gave??

He asked while all others too raised their eyebrows and Shahana was the most curious as she knew that Reemneet were having most of eachother's secret safely

Avneet eyed Reem of something and she nodded

Avneet : Jaan said that I promised her something which was just in both of us but since you asked I will tell you it's just a bet promise between us so we are gonna do something soon you will get to know

Reem nodded at her works and smirks internally while others too nodded confused but can't do anything about it as they were the best secret keeper's of eachother

Party ended soon and all guest too went and all the members left to their rooms to change in to comfy clothes while Pragya had already left to kitchen along with her were Disha, Preeta, Shrishti and Naira they were getting the snacks ready then Shrishti asked

Shristi : Di what do you think they are planning??

Disha : Who Shris ???

Shristi : Reemneet

Preeta : Can't say anything about it

Naira : True they are very unpredictable

Pragya : My gut is saying that they are planning to drop a shock

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