Chapter twelve

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this man is- mmmh!!!! I LOVE YOU, MIKEY!

As Emma told Norman, Ray wanted to keep the baby, Norman was happy. "It's not a joke, right?" Norman asked to be sure if it was a joke about Ray actually kept the baby, their baby.

"Don't have hope on it was because of you, Norman, it was my own choice." Ray said and hold around his belly spot and began to walk past Norman, as he took Ray's arm. "Can I talk to you later?" Norman asked and let go of his arm. The raven nodded and walked upstairs.

The albino looked back at the orange hair girl with a confused face. "When did he not want the abortion?" He asked curious. "I actually don't know, Norman. He just said stopped when they was about to do it, but at least he kept it." She told happily about Ray keeping the baby.

Never thought I actually would keep it, I was so much into I wanted to get an abortion. But here I am, keeping the baby. Me and Norman's child. Ray heard a knock on his door, and he of knew it was Norman, because he said he wanted to talk to him. "Yes?" As the door went open, Norman walked in, seeing Ray lay on the bed, only in a hoodie and boxers.

Norman closed the door behind him and walked over to him. Ray sat up, thinking Norman wanted to cuddle, and of course it was that he wanted. "Okay. Fine," Ray moved a little, so Norman could be in the bed with him.

Norman hold around Ray's waist from the front, it made Ray have a little blush on his cheeks. "Norman, I'm sorry for what behaviour I've been over for you, it wasn't right... It has just been so hard, to find out I'm pregnant too, but also with us, our relationship. I'm really sorry, Norman..." Ray said weakly, feeling really shame.

Norman smiled and laid his hand on Ray's cheek. "I understand, Ray." Norman told and made them both kiss each other.

"So, I'm actually gonna be a father?" Norman asked excited. "Yes you are, you big baby," Ray giggled lightly, making Norman melt more into Ray's love. "I love you, Ray," Norman deeply cared for him, that was why he wanted to make Ray safe, but instead of doing that, he made Ray slide slowly away from him, no, more Ray's love for Norman.

"I love you too, Norman. I'm glad you'd be with me when the baby gets born." He hugged Norman and his head down his chest, making albino boy's heart beat fast of Ray. "How can I leave you?! You're so adorable, cute, kind, caring for friends and of course me too~" Norman said with a small wink of a little teasing him.

Ray blushed and took his pillow, throwing the pillow after him. Norman quickly got the pillow Ray throw at him, which he thought Norman would get it in the face. "So, you wanna fight now, dear?~" Norman smirked and chuckled at the same time too.

Ray reached his hands after the pillow, trying to get it back from Norman. "Gimme it!" Ray tried to get it out Norman's hands, as he laughed a little. "Then catch it, my baby raven~" Norman continued teasing a little at him.

As Ray finally got the pillow, Ray accidentally slipped on top of him, when he catched the pillow from Norman. "Hey there, beautiful," Norman smiled up at him, which made Ray of a big blush.

Ray got off of him and sat on the bed with the pillow into his chest, as his face is all red from Norman saying he was beautiful.

Norman crawled behind Ray and hold around his waist. "You idiot, Norman," Ray giggled and smiled. "You're my everything, same with our baby." Norman was happy Ray kept the baby, no, he was more than just happy, he was super happy about it. He'd dreamed about getting a child with him, but he thought it'd be embarrassing for him to tell Ray, also because they maybe just were friends before, and it would be weird to tell him?

Ray turned around, what made Norman stop holding around his waist, but did at the front. "So, what should we call our baby?" Ray asked curious, wanting to hear what Norman maybe had in thought, now where their baby will obviously would be a boy. "I don't know, actually. I'd never thought about it, because I thought you didn't wanted to keep him..." Norman told and stopped holding around Ray's waist, feeling a little upset about it.

Ray quickly got Norman's face mood, and pulled him into a hug. "Listen, I am really sorry... I'm so sorry, Norman..." Ray hugged Norman tighter into him. "It's fine, Ray." Norman hugged back, but pulled away from saying he didn't needed to apologize anymore.

"Maybe we should wait for the name, yeah?" Norman asked and kissed Ray's forehead. "Okay," he replied and smiled.

Emma, Gilda, Anna and Don was outside the door, hearing a little of Ray's and Norman's conversation. "I ship them, I am so sorry, but I really do~" Emma said smirking, while looking at the door, for hearing what Ray and Norman are talking about beside that door.

Gilda sighed for Emma saying that. "I'll be going downstairs, you three." Gilda told and began to walk down the stairs and into the living room.

"It's good they're okay again and can even talk to each other," Emma said and smiled. "Let's walk downstairs to Gilda," Anna spoke up, which Emma and Don agreed with. They three began to walk down the stairs and into the living room, where they see Gilda reading a book in the sofa chair.

Ray and Norman was laying down the bed, cuddling. "Norman, I want to have sex with you." Ray told and went on top of him. "Huh?!" Norman blushed and was a little shocked too.

I'm sorry I haven't uploaded any chapters of this, I've just been busy with things:/
But it's out now!

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