Chapter Twenty♥

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I had been staring at the front door for what felt like forever. I kept rising my hand to knock on the door to announce my arrival, but I kept falling short, my hand returning to my side as I bit my lip uncertainly.

Lucy had offered to come with me but I had assured her I would be fine. I had hid at her house for too long, it was about time I faced the music and went home. I had had a lot of time to think about the whole situation and although I was still hurt, I was no longer angry.

"Jade." Dad breathed after I had finally found the courage to knock. He continued to stand in the doorway, his expression caught off guard. His eyes flickered over to my cheek, where there was a faint bruise.

"Hi Dad." I whispered.

He ushered me inside before he awkwardly led me to the kitchen. Mum was cleaning, as usual, her back turned away from me. Her blonde hair was in an immaculate bun but her usual poised stance was slumped, as if she were tired.

"Honey," Dad said after a moment.

Mum looked over her shoulder, her eyes curious before they fell on me. She dropped the plate she was cleaning, causing water to fly into the air. I was surprised when her eyes filled with tears and in a matter of seconds she was pulling me into her arms.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." She apologised, her shoulders shaking as she kissed my hair, "I'm so sorry."

After a moment I returned her affection, wrapping my arms around her back. "It's ok Mum."

"I should have believed you, you would never do something like that." Mum snapped frustrated, "You're my little angel."

I pulled away from her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Adrianna told me." Mum told me.

"Told you what?" I questioned dumbly.

"That it wasn't your drugs that I found under your bed." Mum stated calmly, although I could see the storm in her blue eyes, "I'm sorry I ever doubted you, I should have known it was Adrianna's drugs, it would be something she would do, and she's never been well behaved."

I was stunned. Adrianna had told Mum the truth, even after I had taken the blame for her. Guilt flooded through me as I remembered the texts she had sent me, she had probably been feeling so guilty and worried, worried that I wouldn't return home, worried that I would never forgive her.

"Don't worry, she's being punished. She's grounded for six months and we've told her she needs to go and see the school councillor." Dad reassured me, obviously misinterpreting my anxious expression.

"Counselling?" I finally said.

Dad nodded, "Of course, she obviously has some problems, why else would she turn to drugs?"

"We could talk to her," I suggested desperately, "As a family, she doesn't have to see a stranger, she'll hate that!"

"Nonsense!" Mum tutted, "She needs to learn the hard way, besides Miss Sheffield is a highly trained professional, she will give Adrianna the help she needs."

"Where is Adrianna?" I asked. I wanted to see her and make sure she was ok, I couldn't imagine what Mum and Dad had been like when she had told them it was her drugs they had found, not mine. Had Mum lost her temper again? Had she hurt Adrianna? I pushed the thought out of my head immediately, Mum wasn't a violent person, it had been one slip, one mistake, she would never hurt me and Adrianna.

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