Chapter 2

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The two boys stared at each other unsure of what to do. One looked at the floor while the other scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Annabeth and Thalia rolled their eyes staring at the two.

"Don't hurt my Annie and I don't have a problem with you," Luke says finally.

"Artemis and Jason will kick your ass," Percy replies. Both boys smile and shake hands.

"That had to be the stupidest conversation ever," Thalia comments.

The two boys had avoided saying basically anything to each other for the past few days. Finally the Thalia and Annabeth forced them to sit together (in Percy's cabin) and talk.

"So this is Greek Octavian," comments another voice. The four look up to Jason enter.

Thalia stands and slaps the back of his head. "Both may be blonde and stupid and tried to destroy everything but Luke saved us in the end. Octavian is Octavian."

"Uh, who's Octavian again?" Luke asks.

"The guy who killed my pillow pet," Percy answers.

"Right the stuffed animal guy. And Blondie is...?"

"Luke meet the annoying thing that is my little brother Jason. I told you about him remember?"

"Nice to meet you Jason," Luke says shaking the younger boy's hand.

"Perce, Chiron wants you."

"Whyyyyyy?" Percy whines.

"Is he really in charge around here?" Luke asks the girls.

"That's why I'm here," Annabeth says grabbing her boyfriend and dragging him out the cabin. Jason follows them out leaving Thalia and Luke.

"I still can't believe you gave up being a Hunter," He tells her.

"I never really wanted to be. But it was the only way to stop myself from being the kid in the prophecy. And your back now, so what does it matter? Zoë got her job back and Artemis will get over it."


"Big problem guys," Percy tells Thalia and Luke as he and Annabeth return from their meeting with Chiron.

"What is it?" Luke asks.

"Well... the gods are not exactly keen on having you back..." Annabeth explains. "They want to get rid of you and or all of The Returned. There's a meeting on Olympus tomorrow."


"Everyone deserves a second chance," Hermes argues.

"He betrayed us all!" Zeus thunders glaring at his son.

"He killed himself to save your godly ass!" Percy interjects.

Zeus whirls on Percy.

"Dare you do anything to my son and that will be the last time you sit on that throne," Poseidon warns.

"If you kill one, you might as well kill them all," Hades comments from his guest throne. He looks up from his three children who sit watching everything at his feet. He glares at Zeus. "And if you dare kill my daughter I will not hesitate to kill yours. I won't fail as I did last time."

The tension in the throne room is clearly thick. Too thick to even cut with knife.

"If you kill them who's to say they won't come back?" Athena asks. "The real question is what is going on? I have heard mortals are starting to return as well. We can deal with the ones who have come back after we figure out what is happening. Until then why not simply have someone watch the boy?"

Zeus balls his hand in a fist. "All in favor of killing the boy?" Besides his own hand only Ares is raised. "Fine. He may live, for now. Meeting adjourned." With that Zeus disappears.

Demigods in the room smile and look at each other. Thalia gets up and grabs Luke in a hug.

"You have stolen my lieutenant from me."

Luke pales slightly and let's Thalia go turning to face Artemis. "I do not trust you," She goddess says. "But I do trust Thalia. If you dare hurt her, I will change you into a immortal beast and the entire Hunt will be after you for eternity. Understood?" Luke nods quickly. "Good."

Artemis turns and walks off. The members of the Hunt each give Luke a glare and Thalia a quick hug before following their patron.

Thalia smiles. "That went better than expected."


"I don't understand it!" Athena shouts as she paces the floor of Hades throne room. Hades sits in his throne watching the goddess. Next to him is Thanatos.

"Neither do we," Thanatos states.

"We have checked every plausible and implausible explanation but nothing makes sense," Hades adds.

"Well one answer does," Thanatos admits. "but we try to stay away from it."

"You think something bigger is doing this..." Athena says.

The two gods nod slowly.

"Well who has that power?"

"That is a good question."

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