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  Jimin had been in the hotel for a week he enjoyed the work was very friendly with staff, covered if someone was sick and seemed to be a favourite with everyone.
He was dealing with an elderly couple who had lost their bearings so  checking with the other receptionist he came and  saw the couple to the room they wanted to be, each of them hanging onto one of his arms as they were a little unsteady on their feet. He listened to them intently and laughed when they asked if they could take him home with them when they went.
Jungkook standing near, saw and heard all this and was smiling as he saw how kind Jimin was, he turned as he saw his next appointment walk in with a pale male beside him, fidgeting on his phone until his father gave him a stern look.
"Ah Mr Jeon , nice to see you again this is my son Yoongi as he's known."
Jungkook nodded to the male, seeing him staring at him then quickly look around.
"If you could come this way,Mr Park,"Jungkook ushered them to the lift, he wanted to use the open plan boardroom that gave a scenic view, he always found that room more calming.
Jimin was smiling as he made his way back, the old couple had been so sweet.
He returned to the desk when the phone rang," Jimin, it's Tae, Mr Jeon thinks he left a file in the reception desk?"
"Erm....oh yes I see it,"
"Can you take it to the boardroom on the third floor just knock and wait until you are called."
"Ok no problems."
Jimin made his way to the lift, going to the third floor he found the boardroom and heard murmured voices.He knocked getting a "come in" not knowing what awaited he walked in smiling, two people had their back to him and Mr Jeon and Namjoon his secretary faced him,Namjoon smiled beckoning him over, walking there he didn't make eye contact with the guests and so was shocked when he heard a gasp then an angry voice spit out,"YOU!!"
Jimin stood up to face his father, he bowed to acknowledge him.
"Mr Jeon, how can you employ such a low life as this?he is scum, you shouldn't even let him through the door.
"Dad!" Yoongi exclaimed.
Jungkook and Namjoon looked bewildered and Jimin looked resigned.
"Mr Park?"
"I'm telling you this, this peutrid person will violate your hotel he will bring shame on it and you," he turned to face Jimin getting angrier every second that he faced him," I told you I never want to see your disgusting face again, when will you do the honourable thing and just die!!" He gave Jimin a resounding slap across the face, the imprint from his hand leaving vivid red marks.
"Mr Park!!" Jungkook shouted.
"Oh don't let him soil this hotel with his dirty ways and mind, I learnt the hard way he is no good he has been disowned and it would be better for you to throw the trash out."
Jimin quietly turned to Jungkook and Namjoon," I apologise for causing a disturbance it won't happen again" glancing at his brother Yoongi as he left he made his way down to reception to Tae who was discussing something with a member of staff. He looked up as Jimin neared seeing a pale face apart from a brilliant red hand print.
""Thank you Mr Kim for employing me it was a pleasure to work with everyone, I'm sure Mr Jeon will explain why I can no longer work here." His voice was monotone , he didn't know how long he could hold on before he broke down, he went to his locker picked his stuff up and left, Tae staring at him bewilderdly, before making his way up to the third floor and barging in....to a whole new scenario.
"Can you explain why you hit a member of my staff Mr Park?"
"He's nothing,I told you he's just scum,"
"And if that'scum' sued you?"
"He wouldn't dare sue his father!" The angry man blurted out.
"Your his father,? Why treat him like that?it's unbelievable !"
"No what's unbelievable is having a son who is gay and refuses to marry the person I chose, his dirty habit ruined a business deal, he should have obeyed me not lived his life like that he is despicable, so I threw him out in the clothes he stood up in, I'll show him I'm not to be messed with, why do you think he has had so many jobs ,I'll bring him down, he's a blot in the family, not like Yoongi here."
"You disowned your son ....because he's gay?"
"Of course, people like that shouldn't live on this earth."
"Me Park, I'm afraid I can't do business with you," Jungkook tried to hang into his temper, but all he could see was the resigned look Jimin had given after being slapped.
"Pardon, why may I ask, if it's because that lowlife is my son then please don't worry he will not stay here and I don't want anything to do with him."
"That lowlife as you call him is worth ten of you , so he's gay, so what? I'm gay,something I'll never apologise for and yes my parents know and accept as do my friends, your antiquated notions are not welcome here."
"Yay,"shouted Yoongi, "stick it to him Mr Jeon!"
Mr park was staring from one to the other," your gay? Erm I'm sure we can work something out,"
"Like you did with your son? No thanks"
"Great,finally!" Yoongi yelled, Mr Park looked at him, " Yoongi? What are you saying stop this behaviour."
"No dad, finally someone besides Jimin has the guts to stand up to you, I would have done it two years ago when you threw Jimin out but he didn't want you to treat me like you did him."
"Yoongi have you been in touch with him?!?!"
"Of course I have, who do you think gave him the heads up when you were on the warpath, he did nothing wrong and you've treated him like shit, mum must have known what you were like that's why she gave Jimin the apartment , she knew for years he was gay, but they didn't tell you until later and look what happened..., well dad guess what, I'm bi, I like men and women and I've finally had enough, I've already brought my own place in my name and everything in it I own, the cars my own you own nothing , I've saved up the exhibits t wages you gave me so I didn't end up like Jimin when you tossed him out, now finally I can see my brother when I want...., mum would have been disgusted at you, I certainly am."Yoongi finally finished feeling like a weight had been lifted.
"Whoop,whoop ", came from a gleeful Tae who was glad someone stood up for Jimin, also his brother was kind of cute," oops sorry Kook got carried away," he finished grinning at Yoongi who smiled back.
Mr Park stood blustering knowing he now stood no chance of doing business, he stormed out, leaving the rest there.
"Hell, how did you put up with him being your father,"Namjoon asked.
"With great difficulty,can I see Jimin?"
"Of course ,Tae get Jimin up here." Jungkook said.
"Bit difficult that, Erm he left,"
"Fuck, he's going to get depressed again, this time was worse than the others, dad never openly wished him dead before," Yoongi said worriedly," I better go to his apartment.
"Do you mind if I go?" Jungkook asked," I promise I will be kind I want him back."
"Ok but txt to let me know he's ok?"
"Of course," they exchanged numbers, then Yoongi sauntered off, dragging a willing Tae with him," where's the bar I need to celebrate!"
Once they had gone Jungkook looked up Jimins Address," I can't believe Joonie that someone would treat their own flesh and blood like that,"
"Did you see Jimins eyes, it was like he'd lost all hope," Namjoon answered.
"Wouldn't you, it's a bit like Groundhog Day repeating itself, get job get fired or leave, over and over."
Jungkook stood up to leave telling the other to sort out his appointments then he took the lift with a determined look on his face.

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