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"Oh hey Mina! How are you?" Ochaco came running up to you both after spotting Mina's vibrant pink hair. Of course Izuku was with her as he just stared at you, not paying attention to anything that Ochaco was saying. Mina looked at you with concern in her eyes and turned back to Ochaco.

"Ah... hey Ochaco, funny meeting you here haha." Mina chuckled nervously. You looked up and saw those his big green orbs of eyes as he looked at you with guilt and sadness in his eyes. "Hey guys.. ah I'll be over here so, see you." You rushed off in a panic not able to look at the two anymore. It gave you a sick feeling in your stomach. Izuku broke his gaze from in with a saddened expression but turned back to Mina and Ochaco, hoping to find you and talk to you.

30 Minutes Later...

You were walking out of the mall without Mina since she went the opposite direction to her car. You were swinging your keys around your finger as you continued to walk until you heard a deep voice calling your name.

'Ah great, should I make a run for it-' Izuku jumped in front of you right before you were about to run off. "Hey Y/N, how has everything been? We haven't had that much time to talk" "Yeah I wonder why, anyway what do you want I need to go, I have work in the morning." You deeply sighed showing you were irritated.

"I was hoping maybe we could talk? About everything that happened, If... you know what I mean?" He looked at you again with those beautiful- nah scratch that annoying eyes of his that were beginning to piss you off. "Why would I want to talk to someone that forgot my existence for maybe... I don't know... 3 years? And why now?" You glared at him. He began to look startled with the growing aggression in your voice, but he didn't blame you.

No one would want to be forgotten. "I want to make things right, to apologize, to do everything I can to at least make you forgive me." He had a guilty expression on his face. "So maybe, to talk things out.. we could go out for coffee- or not coffee, whatever you want to do really I just-" He continued to ramble as you debated whether or not to let him make it up to you.

He could never justify what he did, it was unforgivable. He left you in your time of need. You needed him and he left. Nothing could make that right. But half of you wanted to see him try.

"Fine." "W-what?" "Let's just get this over with. When do you want to meet?" "Ah! Um any time is fine! Really, I don't mind" "I'll meet you tomorrow then, if your late I'm not doing this again ." You walked past him and straight to your car.

If he broke your heart again you were only to blame, since your basically giving him the chance to hurt you again.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑠 - izuku midoriya Where stories live. Discover now