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Izuku's POV

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Izuku's POV

Izuku wanted everything to go perfectly today. He didn't want any slip ups or to ruin it at all since this is the first time in years he's finally talked to you (which was kinda his fault- 💀)

 He didn't want any slip ups or to ruin it at all since this is the first time in years he's finally talked to you (which was kinda his fault- 💀)

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Izuku's Outfit
or choose what he wears

He got dressed and ready to go in about 30 minutes. He went to grab his keys until he heard his phone ring. He looked at the screen and saw Ochaco's name pop up. With a sigh he answered.

"Hello?" Izuku sat down on his couch that was beside him. "Izu! Hey I was wondering if maybe we could go somewhere later!" The girl basically yelled in his ear, he had to pull back his phone because she was so loud. "Oh um.." If things went well with his da- I mean uh his meeting with Y/N, he was planning on hanging out with her even after the coffee date today.

"I think I'm gonna have to take a rain check for today, I have something planned..." Izuku explained slowly. "Oh.. well okay! Maybe next time yeah?" Ochaco asked. "Yeah. I'll talk to you later Uraraka. See you." "Bye bye!" He hung up and resumed to what he was doing.

He prayed he wouldn't mess this up.

40 minutes later

He finally made it to the small coffee shop that you both agreed to meet at.
He waited for another 10 minutes scrolling through his phone on Instagram until he heard the door open.

He waited for another 10 minutes scrolling through his phone on Instagram until he heard the door open

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(IM SORRY I THOUGHT THIS OUTFIT WAS SO CUTEE-)(and I'm too tired to describe this outfit so- anyways)

He watched you sit across from him and couldn't help but stare. You looked amazing to him. You glared at him and cleared your throat so you could catch his attention. "You're actually early for once." You said while placing your belongings down on the table. "Oh yeah, I didn't want to keep you waiting.." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. You both stayed in an awkward silence that was too unbearable to handle.

"So, are you going to sit there and stare at me or are you going to say what you have to say?" You looked annoyed with him already. "Oh right sorry. Back when we were in UA, and I finally got a quirk, I guess I just..." He paused trying to gather his thoughts "It's true I forgot. And there's nothing to justify that and I'm sorry. Forgetting you was the worst thing I must have done and I can't imagine how much I hurt you. I.. I want to make up for the 3 years that I wasn't there for you. So will you let me?"

He looked at you with those cute green eyes and you sighed. "Let me think about it and I'll tell you when I'm ready. Being forgotten for 3 years by your best friend isn't something you can easily get over Midoriya." You crossed your arms. "I know and I'll try my best to at least have forgiveness and if you want nothing to do with me then I'll leave. I promise." Izuku proposed. "Fine and if you break that promise, you already know what's finna happen." You glared at him

He chuckled nervously while holding his hands in the air.

(He prayed he wouldn't mess this up...)


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hope you enjoyed tho :)


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