You could feel her everywhere. She was the foreign scent on his clothes, the strange savor on his mouth, and the scratches on his back. She was everywhere and you were starting to be nowhere.
He was slowly replacing you and you knew it. He was never truly yours so all you could do was sit and watch as he drifted away.
Even when the sun hides himself from the moon, like a shy girl in love does, and Harry wraps his arms around you, muttering sweet things in your ear and stroking your arms lightly as you two watch the sunset, even then, when you feel like nothing can come between you two, you know that he isn’t really yours.
Sometimes you wondered if he knew that you knew. If he was aware that you knew about the mind game, he was tricking you to play. You thought that maybe he did, but he hid what he was thinking just as you did every time you would feel her.
It was a never ending cycle.
He would go out in the morning, whispering goodbye and an ‘I love you’ that sounded so sincere that you almost believed him. You knew better than that. Harry could be a terrible actor in the screens, but not when it came to lying to you.
After hours of waiting, he would return. Usually around dinner time, sometimes later, sometimes earlier. He would bring her with him, even if he didn’t mean to.
He would come home with a smile on his face and a spark on his eyes, one that you were so sure were meant to you not too long ago, and he would lay a small kiss on your lips, saying that he loved you.
“How was your day today?” you would ask, after he was done with his shower and her scent wasn’t as strong as before.
“It was good.” He would smile at you, bringing you closer to him on the couch and kissing the top of your head. “I missed you, though.”
“I missed you too.” But the truth was that you still missed him even after he was back. You missed the Harry you fell in love with, as cliché as it sounds.
“Did I tell you that you look beautiful today?” and all you could and would do was smile at him, worried that you might start crying if you opened your mouth. You didn’t feel beautiful, at least not for him. “I love you, babe.”
“I love you too, Harry.” You would whisper, meaning every word.
However, that was the past.
Even those small conversations, that you knew were made up of lies, were better than what you had now.
Harry started to leave home before you woke and return after you went to bed. He stopped whispering sweet things in your ears as you watched the sunset and stopped telling you that you are beautiful. And those three little words that he never went a day without saying to you became rare, occasionally appearing and making a spark of hope be set inside you.
You knew that day would come. When Harry would stop bothering about shielding you from what he spent his days doing. When her scent would be so strong, that you couldn’t bare come close him, and her savor on his lips would be so recognizable, that it made you sick kissing him.
You just wished you had had a little more time. You wished more days with small talks and words that he didn’t mean. You wished more minutes with him as he hugged you and protected you from the world. You wished for more of those times when he would just do little things that made your heart beat faster. You wished for many things, but most importantly, you wished for more love.
Unfortunately, not everything you wish come true.
So that day came and you knew what you had to do. You had thought over and over again about this on your free time and you knew it was the right thing to do. You just never thought it would hurt that much.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionPreferences about Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Harry Styles. Hope someone will read this and hopefully like:)