Season 2 Chapter 6 : Darkest

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A manta flyer was seen soaring through the ocean before it came up to the surface and began to fly. Inisde was Aqualad, who was with the newest member Tigress, The Terror Twins and Icicle Jr.

Tuppance : Brother Tommy, I think we're plum crazy to throw in with this feller. I mean, it wasn't two years ago when Mr. Aqualad here was trying to lock us back up in Belle Reve.

Tommy : Well, Sister Tuppance, folks say he had a change of heart since finding out who his papi is. 

Icicle Jr : *walks over to Tuppance* I hear he switched sides because of some girl! Which I totally get. *puts hand on Tuppance's shoulder* You know, if it's the right girl.

Tuppance : Step back, Junior. You're giving me the chills.

Icicle Jr : But in a good way, right, babe?

Tommy : I'm more concerned about this Tigress. How come the Terror Twins ain't never heard of her before?

Tigress : You know we can hear you.

Tommy : That we do, missy. These are open questions, you see?

Tigress : So which one of you wants to ask your open questions of Black Manta? Which one of you wants to suggest to the big bad that his son and his son's hand picked right hand can't be trusted?

Tuppance and Tommy became silent and turned back around, not asking anymore questions.

Icicle Jr : Don't look so defeated. I'm here for you, babe...

Icicle Jr gets closer to Tuppance causing her to shiver from the cold temperatures from his body.

Tuppance : Will you cut that out?

Icicle Jr : Can't help myself, babe. Been kinda obsessed since the first time I laid eyes on you.

Tuppance : This is the first time you've laid eyes on me!

Icicle Jr : Technically. But see, five years ago, in Belle Reve, *reaches hand out to Tuppance* this martian girl was posing as you...

Before Icicle Jr could finish his sentence Tuppance grabbed onto his hand. She then started to squeeze it with her super strength.

Tuppance : *annoyed* So go give the skeevies to her!

Tuppance let got Icicle Jr and the ice villain stumbled back while holding his hand in pain.

Icicle Jr : *turns to Aqualad* I'm wearing her down.

Aqualad : Perhaps we could focus on the mission now. We are closing in on our target.


[Time Skip]

It was now night time and currently Impulse and (Y/N) were standing in front of Jaime's house. Impulse rang the doorbell and after a few seconds, Jaime opened the door.

Jaime : Dude, what are the both of you doing here?

Impulse : We're here to hang, to chill, spend a little downtime with our buddy Blue, B.B, the Beetle. You know, chillanging. 

Jaime : *looks around* And put my secret I.D. at risk? *to (Y/N)* Why didn't you try to stop him?

(Y/N) : I couldn't! I opened my door and he just grabbed me and ran me all the way out here.

Scarab : *in Jaime's head* This Impulse is trouble. Destroy him!

Jaime : Overreacting won't help.

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