(Y/N) 10 : Secret Of The Omnitrix - Part 4

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Currently Four Arms was punching the vent that Artemis was dragged into by the Wildvine. Gwen watched as her cousin was smashing the vent and felt nothing but sorrow for him.

Tetrax: (Y/N). (Y/N)! She's gone.

Four Arms: No! I have to save her!

Gwen made a pink energy whip that wrapped around Four Arm's hands and stopped him from punching the vent.

Tetrax: There were too many, (Y/N). The Flourana weren't gonna stop until they had one of us.

Four Arms: She sacrificed herself to save me.

Four Arms ripped his hand out of Gwen's energy whip and pushed Tetrax out of his way before walking towards a wall. Four Arms then sent multiple punches at the wall as he vented his frustration.

Four Arms: It should have been me, It should have been me, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!

Four Arms sent a punch that destroyed the wall he was punching and caused pipes and rubble to fall towards the ground. The Omnitrix symbol on his right shoulder began to beep and flash red. Four Arms fell on his knees and was engulfed in a red light before he returned back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): *turns to Myaxx mad* This is all your fault!

Myaxx: *irritated* My fault?!

(Y/N): Yeah. If you hadn't help the creator make this stupid thing, then I would have never found it and Artemis would still be alive!

Gwen: (Y/N)...

Myaxx: I may be a selfish and self centered being, but it takes one to know one.

(Y/N): What did you just say to me?!

Gwen grabbed (Y/N) from behind to stop him from attacking Myaxx and Tetrax stepped infront of Myaxx.

Tetrax: That's enough, both of you! We still need to find the creator. *turns to Myaxx* If Azmuth did survive an attack like that, where would he go? 

Myaxx walked over to a door and pressed a button that made it open and revealed a tunnel. Tetrax and Myaxx went off ahead while Gwen and (Y/N) stayed behind to get their hoverboards.

Gwen looked over at (Y/N) and saw the look on his face. (Y/N) and Gwen have always fought with each other ever since they were kids and would always disagreed. (Y/N) might irritate her a lot, but deep down she cared about her cousin.

Gwen: *to (Y/N)* Are you okay?

(Y/N): Just wondering how I'm gonna tell her mom about...

Gwen: I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I can't imagine what you're going through right now. But, Artemis wouldn't want you to mop around like this.

(Y/N): What are you talking about?

Gwen: You're an idiot, the king of all doofuses, and on top of that you're super annoying. You've been like this since we were little.

(Y/N): Is there a point to any of this or are you just insulting me?

Gwen: But, you're righteous, heroic, brave and you're nice to people, even to me. Artemis wouldn't want you to fall into a deep despair like this. She would want you to stand up and go find Azmuth and save the universe, like the hero you actually are.

Gwen then stands up and hops on to her hoverboard before she flew down the tunnel and followed after Tetrax and Myaxx. (Y/N) thought about what Gwen said and hopped on to his hoverboard and flew down the tunnel as he had a smile on his face the whole time he followed after the others.

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