Season 2 Chapter 13 (Finale) : It's Hero Time!

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The skies were gloomy and it seemed like it was going to rain. Currently at (Y/N) and Artemis' house, Dick, Kaldur, Wally, (Y/N) and Artemis were all inside after (Y/N) told them everything that happened.

Dick : So... you gave up the Omnitrix?

Kaldur : He had no other option. It was that, or witness both his loved ones die.

Wally : So, what's the plan?

(Y/N) : Plan? Haven't you been paying attention? It's hopeless. The Reach has an army with all of my powers! I lost the Omnitrix!

(Y/N) then got up and ran through the door as his friends began to call out to him, but he didn't listen.

Kaldur : (Y/N), wait!

Artemis : *shocked* He ran away...

Dick : We can't focus on that right now. What we need to focus on is--

Artemis : Don't focus on him? Dick, he's your friend!

Dick : I'm not saying he's not! But with the Omnitrix in the hands of the Reach, I'm prioritzing--

Kaldur : Enough! Now is not the time to turn on each other.

Artemis : I'm not, I just...

Kaldur : Let (Y/N) have some time. He just needs to be alone for a while.

Artemis : Kaldur, that's the last thing he needs right now.

Back with (Y/N) he was sitting on a bench in the park and the rain from the clouds began to fall. (Y/N) watched as the lightning flashed and the thunder rolled with a depressed look on his face. Artemis walked up towards him using an umbrella to shield herself from the rain and was holding (Y/N)'s green jacket in her hand.

Artemis : You're soaked.

Artemis then handed (Y/N) his jacket so that he could use it to cover himself from the rain, but he just grabbed it and threw it to the ground.

(Y/N) : I don't deserve that. It belongs to a hero.

Artemis : How many times have you helped people?

(Y/N) : I don't know. Lots of times. But I had the Omnitrix. 

Artemis : And how many times was the Omnitrix out of power or broken.

(Y/N) : It almost never worked right. What's your point?

Artemis : It's not the tool, it's the man.

(Y/N) : When you're talking about the most powerful weapon in the universe, it's the tool. Without the Omnitrix, we don't have a chance.

Artemis got fed up and began to walk away from (Y/N).

Artemis : We're depending on you, (Y/N). The whole world is. And I'll know you'll come through.

With that said Artemis walked away and left (Y/N) all by himself. (Y/N) got up and began to walk through the park as all he could think about was Black Beetle had obtained the Omnitrix. He was scared that the Earth was going to suffer because of him. 

(Y/N)'s frustration then hits its peak as he opens his mouth and calls out to the only person that could help him.

(Y/N) : Azmuth, help me! Please! Just so I can help them!

Azmuth : You are a fool.

Suddenly from behind (Y/N), he hears a familiar voice and turns around to see that Azmuth was sitting on a tree branch.

(Y/N) : You don't hear me arguing.

Azmuth : The Omnitrix wasn't intended for you. It was intended for your grandfather, the greatest plumber in the Milky Way galaxy.

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