Monkey Business

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[Lincoln goes through the portal and notices he  is in a hotel]

Bierce: What a charming little hotel.

[Lincoln then walks through and into an elevator room and notices a giant creature in the front]

Lincoln:[walks close to the creature] Uh? hello

[the Monkey will squeal with the elevator closing on it.]

Lincoln: What the heck?

[The elevator opens revealing the monkey is not there anymore]

[Lincoln looking scared walks in the elevator]

Bierce: Going up?

[The Elevator door closes and goes up]

[When exiting the elevator, Lincoln sees the ring altar, along with two boarded-up entrances.]

Bierce: Now, listen closely... See those floating bits of crystal? Those are soul shards, fragments of human spirit scattered throughout the halls of this little maze. Each crystal is a remnant of one who was met their end here. Gather them all, and the first ring piece will be yours. One more thing.

Lincoln: Yes?

Bierce: You're not alone. There are monsters in here, and they're looking for you.

Lincoln WHAT!?

Bierce: Here, you'll need this.

[She then offers Lincoln a tablet, which displays every shard's location on the map]

Bierce: It can detect each shard's location. It was left by the last... Guest to disappoint me here. A very clever girl. Just not a very fast runner. And don't worry about getting being exhausted I have a lot of energy so no need to worry about that.

Bierce: Enough instruction. Break those boards and let's get this party started!

[Lincoln break the boards and the hunt begins]

[Lincoln is running through the hallway when he hears footsteps he looks behind and sees 3 Monkeys chasing him]

Lincoln: OH CRUD!!!

[Lincoln runs faster so does the Monkeys]

[Time passes on and Lincoln has collected half of the ring pieces]

Bierce: You've gathered half of the shards. I'm impressed. I would've thought you'd have been shredded by now...

Lincoln: Thanks for the compliment.

[Lincoln then hides in a room and The Monkeys run past the door]

[Lincoln then notices a note on the wall]

Lincoln: What this?

[He takes the notes and start to read it]

The Note

I don't remember how I came to this place, but I will not play her game. I'll find my way out. I had to leave the tablet behind, but she thinks I'm gone now. Frightening creatures roam this old hotel. There's something familiar about it all. It seems that I can sense things for some reason. It's as if this world wants to share its dark story with me. I don't want to hear it, but I can't shut it out. I can only record my thoughts on paper to help me clear my mind. The monkeys... I can sense their desires. Their souls whisper to me. The ones in the kitchen frighten me the most. The mutterings are random and no longer human, but they are the most violent of wishes. I've learned that the mortal souls of murderers are imprisoned inside each one. In life, they abandoned their humanity. They gave in to their urge to kill. They chose to become monsters. Now they continue on this place as monstrous Murder Monkeys.

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