Chapter 8

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"You will pay for what you did Warrior!"
"If it were not for that wretch, Ares..."
"I will end you Overlander."

These were the thoughts that ravaged Gregor's mind. Henry had successfully instilled fear in him. Gregor clutched his stomach in pain. The wound was close to being infected but Gregor had painfully stitched and bandaged it. They had supplied him with all the medical supplies but told him to stitch himself up. Gregor limped to his bed and laid his scarred back against the bare bed. He reached his hand into the pocket of his torn pant. He took out his photo of Luxa and him, dancing. Tears threatened to fall out of his eyes. Gregor wiped the tears off his eyes and placed his picture on the shelf right beside the bed. Suddenly, Gregor heard footsteps walking in front of his cell. Gregor sat up on his bed and stayed like that. The metal door creaked open revealing a gnawer with food. The gnawer chucked the food into the room and made his way out again. Much to Gregor's satisfaction, the gnawer didn't close the door cell all the way. He could finally taste freedom at the tip of his tongue.

Gregor tip-toed his way to the door, taking the loaf of bread and the small bowl of soup with him to eat. He scarfed the food down even picking up bits of food from the floor. Still hungry, Gregor made his way to the kitchen storage for more food. Gregor was careful to not get spotted. But there was still a chance the gnawers would be able to smell him, but he knew that the Regalians had put an odor that the gnawers weren't able to smell through. Gregor made his way to the kitchen storage and grabbed a bowl of meat (which was cooked) and started eating it with his bare and blood-ridden hands. Gregor brushed his hands and made his way to the way out of the palace. Gregor clutched his abdomen tightly in pain from moving too much. Suddenly he heard gnawers marching down the same hallway. Gregor ran to the nearest room and hid there. Pain flared up his stomach. He needed some painkillers. His run to the empty room put pressure. But there was no way that Henry would keep the hospital un-guarded. Gregor continued though. His determination was larger than his pain. Gregor limped, groaning almost every second. He made his way to the exit, avoiding all the guards. Suddenly stopping, Gregor noticed a room that looked as if it was burned. He quietly made his way to it. Gregor gasped at the devastation of the room. This was the very room Luxa used to sleep in. They had burned and broken every memory he had. Gregor felt his rager senses trying to push through. But he knew he would be out of control and with that he was still weak. He pushed it back. Gregor took one final glance at the devastation of the room as made his way towards the exit.

Gregor strained his eyes and managed to see the exit. He walked quietly, trying to avoid any attention. He looked both ways, starting to panic. Suddenly a voice rang out.
"You there! What are you doing outside?!" shouted a gnawer. Gregor ran but in that order also causing his stab wound to flash again. Gregor glanced back noticing 5 gnawers chasing him. Gregor knew he was in no shape to fight. He was still weak from his torture. So he did the only option available to him. Run.

Gregor sprinted towards the city trying to avoid the gnawers. He dropped everything in his way to deter the gnawers. Gregor toppled chairs, tables, cartons in the way of the gnawers but oblivious to Gregor, there was a cliff coming closer every second. Even though he was in the city, Regalia still contained dangerous cliffs. Gregor looked forward noticing the cliff, but, alas, it was too late and Gregor fell down the cliff. The gnawers came running towards to cliff but slowed down as it neared. They looked down to check for his body but it was too deep and dark.
"That was the powerful Warrior we were all afraid of? They should've sent us in the first place." snickered a gnawer. The others followed his actions and laughed with him except the old gnawer.
"Don't underestimate him. He plays smart that Warrior. Lord Henry will not be happy that we haven't found his body." The old gnawer then pointed at 2 of the gnawers. "Get a patrol and check for his body at the bottom of the cliff and then come back to us. The rest of us will report to Lord Henry."
Under orders by the superior gnawer, two of them head back to get a patrol while the rest go towards the Royal Palace.


The cliff being finally devoid of the gnawers, a blood-ridden hand emerges from the cliff reaching out the hand.



Thank you guys so much for sticking around this long! I would have never thought I'd come this far! Sorry for the late updates. I barely get time at my house to write the chapters. All the work from Chapter 6 has been done in school during free time. This chapter is a suspenseful one but a short one! Hope y'all enjoy it. A reminder though. This week I will not be able to upload due to exams coming up in my school. See y'all in 2 weeks!

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