Meet The Parents part 2

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The parents, Mr and Mrs Bunor, were a primary and proper couple. They were well-loved and relieved by the community. They were in the top 1% of the cream de la cream of the country. They were the kind of people who got invited to every important societal party as very important guests of honour. They were an odd couple in the way they dressed and acted, but people didn't mind either way because they had done so much for the community. They value and take family etiquette very seriously. They had impressive certificates and awards in psychology by creating a centre to help those struggling mentally and rescue missions spearheaded by them, including but not limited to fires, accidents, floods and collapse victims. They also contribute to society by building schools, repairing homes, care centres for old people with no or busy family to take care of them, bringing in professional teachers to take care of special children and adults alike needs and charities, just to name a few. But in as much as their records were impressive, they were very much lacking when it came to their kids, especially her. They were so busy taking care of outsiders that they had no time for their own children. They could travel on end for three months straight and not see or hardly call their kids, but despite that, her brothers and sisters grew up amazing, following their parent's footsteps, and all were doing well. That is, all except her. Since she was born, she had never been able to match any of their expectations, even if they don't admit it, the whole family looked down on her. They all treated her as air, like she didn't exist at all. All her life, she had been compared to all her siblings, especially by her parents. No matter what she did, she was never good enough. She felt like an outcast. Immediately after she was born, her father hired a wet nurse who nurtured her. And it was the wet nurse who breastfed her instead; she was never breastfed by her mother. She had only seen her parents 13 times since her 16 years of life, and those times were less than 10 hours altogether. This sets her apart from her siblings. At least her parents had more time to spend with them. She wasn't supposed to be born; she was a fluke that happened by mistake, but that is a story for another day. For some reason, they got really busy after she was born and the neglect on her was very evident. She was always berated on every little thing, and they showed no concern whatsoever or complimented her even if she put in any little effort to do well in her studies. Instead, they scold her and tell her she doesn't come close to being half as good as her siblings. Her father was a man of few words who always agreed with her mother. To be fair, she would say her mother ran the house, her father was oh so very supportive of his wife because he let her have his way. But he had a very nasty temper when things didn't go his way. She saw and read how people viewed her family. While in school, she had many people envy her who either wanted to be friends with her or just hated her and bothered her because her family seemed so perfect and her parents were considered national heroes. If only they knew that their families were better off than hers. All everyone was thinking was how lucky she was to be born into such a high-profile family with roots even in Aso Rock. Of course, with her, she'd rather be in a normal family where they share a meal or two at the table and are able to laugh and play around with their parents, take pictures, go on holidays, cook for the children, call, then and snuggle in bed with them not just to keep up appearances, but because they genuinely wanted to do it. She had cried earlier, but she sort of got used to it, and instead of crying, she found another way to lash out her frustrations. People who say good eggs can grow well in a bad environment have obviously not been in a situation to easily say that. It just wasn't easy with everyone taking her for granted in the household. It's the anger, frustration and, dare she say it, hatred of not being included and always looked down on by people who are supposedly family to her. The whole thing just made her feel worthless and unneeded, as they had no problems letting her know just how useless she was in the family. The start of it all was Mr and Mrs Bunor, her parents.

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