The Start Of Rebellion Part 4

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Since she was useless to the family, she was neither smart nor talented, depending on an individual's perspective of the kind of talent. While her sibling's talents were either book smart and inventing big things or getting together with big families, hers lay elsewhere, and that was in being the popular party girl everyone wanted to be friends with, whether genuine or not. She hosted parties for her classmates, even if she knew more than half of them did not like her, but they had no choice, that is, if they wanted to continue attending the school and have a memorable school life experience. Also, it just wasn't any party but an exclusive invite only party. Everyone in school knows that if you get invited to an onyx party, you have practically made it to the Top, no jokes. She knows that's why anyone would come to her party. That recognition alone was worth more than the six years they spent in high school. But she didn't mind it. At least they don't look down on her or think she's useless. Instead, they envy her and don't like her because they wish to be her. It's not something one would brag about on a normal day, but from where she's coming from, it was a lot of progress. At least these people see her as something, and that feeling gives her importance and a sense of belonging. It's why she puts a lot of effort into her parties to make them jaw-dropping each time. She always takes time to bring the 'fun' to the parties. She made sure she went all out with extravagant decorations, and to add a little spice, though they are all underage, she manages to sneak in booze, which encourages the 18+ behaviour. Well, there was only one limit. No matter the level of allowance, she made sure to keep one rule in check and that was no sex in her parties. No matter how open-minded and out there she was, she knew the consequences of allowing these. Not only would it be the talk of the whole nation and destroy her parent's much-revered legacy, which she would have loved,but she knew that no matter how much she hated her parent's behaviour and actions towards her, not having a limit was prone to seriously cause some damaging negative effects on some wanton classmates who have no self control. She took that rule seriously and even hired private guards to check every nook and cranny of the house constantly, and those found breaking the rule would be kicked out and never invited to her parties ever again. Also, to keep things quite mysterious and interesting, she made sure that attendants were strictly by invite only, and she's always up to her feet with different interesting card drinking games as well as VR games with lots of delicious foods, drinks and music, to keep the momentum going. Through these parties, she had dated lots of boys. Every other week, she's with a new guy. This was news everywhere in school, but nobody dared speak of this outside school, no matter how envious they were of her. They knew how powerful her family's name was. They didn't have to do anything; their loyal fans were ready to crush anyone, demeaning them to pieces. If they do not want the entire public to spit at them, insult them, spread their pictures everywhere on social media or even investigate everything about their lives from when they were born to the present, they all just pretend like they know nothing. They can talk with themselves, but whatever behaviour they exhibit or see, they never speak of it, leaving the four corners of the school or party locations. Everything was kept topnotch. She even has them sign NDAs to keep whatever they see or hear at the parties a secret and never reveal it. Also, revealing it would bring serious consequences. Although her parents were always disgusted with her parties and lifestyle, they really didn't care much. They just let her do whatever but made sure to inform her that if whatever she was doing were to have any negative effects on them, well, she didn't need a soothsayer to let her know that her life, as she knew it, was over. So she had made sure that even if she wanted to irritate her parents, it didn't get to the extent where she would literally lose everything. Little did she know that what she feared the most was actually waiting to happen in the very near future. She had been so careful and had always followed the rules, but she never once thought that she would be the one breaking the rules she herself had set. To make matters worse, she was very much in her right mind when it all happened. She just couldn't explain how it happened exactly, only that it happened, and she only realised her mistake after everything was done. This one mysterious relationship where she willingly gave up everything, including ignoring her own rules, was the start of her downfall....

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