-Meeting the Vampire-

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"I know you're disappointed in me dad, but this is something I've been wanting to do for a while.." You said on the phone with your dad.

"I'm not disappointed at all with you baby, I just want you to be safe." Your dad said in a quiet and sad voice.

Suddenly you hear someone walk into your dad's office,

"Who are you talking to?" It sounded like your sister. Did she think my dad was on a phone call with some sort of chic?

"Shit, Y/N I'll have to call you later, have a great day at school.." Then hung up.

You've always felt bad for your dad for what he went through 4 years ago, you still worry about him every day.

You look up and look at the tall building in front of you, that was UA High. A huge group of people were at the entrance, maybe some of them were your new classmates. You took a good look at the group before entering the school, None of them looked like first years. While searching around the school, you thought you would've already seen your brother, but you haven't seen him anywhere.

"Class 1A, where the hell could that be?" You mumbled to yourself while looking down at your phone. You looked up and looked at all the signs, there you saw class 1A. You ran down the hall and looked up and down at the huge door that leads to class 1A, you took the deepest breath of your life and opened the door. Half of the class looked up at the opened door and looked down to see you, standing there frozen not knowing what to do.

"Y/N." You looked to your right and saw a tall man with long black hair and scars all around his face. 'Could it be??' You thought. 'That's Eraser Head!! No way he's my teacher?!'

"Class, before you freak out. This is our new student Y/N." Eraser shouted to the class.

"Y/N, if you don't mind introducing yourself to the class. Then go ahead and do so." Eraser whispered to you. You cleared your throat and started talking.

"Um, hello. My name is Y/N, nice to meet you all." You said shyly. "Thank you Y/N." Eraser shouted. 

"You may be seated next to seat 1, Yuuga Aoyama." Eraser said while pointing to a boy covered in glitter. You got seated next to seat number 1, which makes you seat number 6.

"There are now 21 students in this class so all of you except for Aoyama have moved seat numbers," Eraser said to the class.

"Moving on, let's continue our lesson from yesterday."


"Woah! You're a vampire??" The pink-haired girl said surprised.

"What are some of your attacks?" The whole class flooded you with questions that you didn't know how to answer.

"I don't have names for my attacks, but the attacks themselves are hard to explain." You said in a shaky voice, everyone was surrounding you with their widened eyes. You stood up and said

"You know, I'm just trying to meet y'all. So please, chill down with the questions." You've had social anxiety for the longest time, you hated answering questions in front of people. You left the class and walked to lunch.


It was the end of the day, everyone was walking to their dorm rooms. You still had to decorate your dorm room since it was your first day, but thankfully you didn't have to move your bed or anything. While decorating, you hear a knock on your door. 'Who could that be?' You dropped your fairy lights and walked up to the door.

"Who is it?" You shouted.

"Ah! Y/N, I've been wanting to meet you all day!" A boy's voice shouted. You didn't know who it was, so you opened the door to find out. You look up to see a blonde boy smiling at you. You looked at his figure more and more, he had a belt, and nice shoes on. His hair was parted perfectly and shined in the light. 'Oh! It's the boy I sit next to in class!' You said in your head. 

"Y/N, may I come in?" The blonde boy said as you opened the door more for him to walk into your dorm.

"Sorry it's such a mess, I've still been decorating." You said while picking back up your fairy lights and continuing to hang them up. "Oh no it's okay mademoiselle." The blonde boy said while looking around your room. 'Did he just say- no way he's French..' You've always had a random taste for French people, your whole face turned red but then shook the feeling off.

"Why did you want to see me?" You said while looking at him.

"I wanted to know more about you. You're the daughter of that famous vampire author, right? He said while making a funny pose.

"Correct, that's why I'm here. He inspired me to be a vampire, I looked up to him. But after what happened, I stopped wanting to be like him. But I'm taking this opportunity to train to be a hero.

"Ah, you're a vampire also? Don't you have to drink blood and stuff like that?" He said curiously.

"Yes, I also can't be in the sun. That's why I'm taking so long to figure out my hero costume so I won't burn to death. Right now I'm sketching what's best for me.

"Interesting mademoiselle. Do you have any support gear in mind?" The blonde boy said.

"No, I'm already aware of how my quirk works. So I'm not looking forward to any support gear. Do you have any support gear?" You said widening your eyes.

The boy cleared his throat,

"Well, yes. I have my belt, it's the only way I can use my quirk. Though if I use my quirk for more than a second, it makes my tummy hurt for hours. I'm still training hard though."

"Wow, you must have a powerful quirk then eh? That's so cool!~"

The boy smiled, he grabbed your hand. "I'm Yuuga Aoyama, a pleasure to meet you." Then gave your hand a little peck. And he did another funny pose.

*****Ending -w-******

Also sorry for this chapter being so short,, I will write chapter 2 when I can!

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