Thanks again, Victoria.

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"Y/NNNNN!!! You're kidding right?!?!" Your sister yelled in excitement. "Nope, It's true." You replied back with a big sigh. Your sister Victoria has always been hooking you up with boys, after 17 random dates with boys. You finally brought up Aoyama to your sister. And oh boy she freaked. You showed pictures, and explained his quirk in the best way possible. "Oh he's your taste, especially he's French." "SHUDDDUP." You said putting a finger over your sister's mouth, "Just because he's French doesn't mean it's gonna be a hand in marriage." You protested. "Alright alright finneee..But you absolutely HAVE to make a move!" Your sister stood out of her chair and rushed to her closet. Last time you checked she had exactly 248 dresses, but she may have more now. Your sister is the fashionista of the family, especially for a vampire. You know vampires are the most romantic people you could meet, but you weren't all into that. But the rest of your family was. "Alright, what about this?" Your sister pulled out an ultra rare purple shiny dress from the 1940's. Well, vampires can't die so of course she has something that's really old? "Holy shit. Mom and Dad would be pissed if they saw me wearing this! It's too revealing, try again." You said out of shock. "Awwee.." Your sister pouted, you sat back down and picked up your phone, you saw you got a DM on Instagram. You opened it.

Sparkly_thing101: "Bonjour, mademoiselle. This is Y/N right?☆"

Oh shit.

You have completely forgotten that Aoyama had added you on Instagram, your hands were shaking and you were out of thought. "Y/N...Y/N...Y/N!!" Your sister shouted "Ehh..EHHHAHH!! WHAT" You screamed and snapped out of it. "Gosh, calm down. What about this.." She held up a golden dress from the 1950's. "Gosh why do you own so many goddamn dresses from like 50 years ago??" You said, rolling your eyes. "But I really like this one." You said while getting up and making your way toward the dress. "Sooooo you agree on this one?" Your sister said putting her hands on your shoulders. You're blinded by the lights that reflect on the dress. It's so..


"ALRIGHT! To the dressing room you go..." She said pushing you into the curtains of the dressing room. Looking at yourself in the golden framed mirror. "What if he thinks I'm sick in the head? I mean I'm a vampire after all." You said frowning. Walking out of the dressing room. "No! I'm not doing this Victoria!" You shouted, throwing the dress at her face and sprinting to your room, plopping yourself down on your bed. You go back on your phone to answer Aoyama,

*AT 3:19 PM*

Sparkly_thing101: "Bonjour, mademoiselle. This is Y/N right?☆"

You chuckle at his username.

*AT 5:46 PM*

Bloodsucking_vamppp: "Yes, it's me Y/N. And your texting me forrr???"

*you wait for him to answer*

*AT 5:49 PM*

Sparkly_thing101: "Oh, yes. Ummm..I was wondering if you wanted to go out??? On a date?? But non! You do not have to!! It's completely up to you. ☆"

You read the message carefully.

'A date? With me? With someone who drinks human blood? He's not afraid?'

*AT 6:00 PM*

Bloodsucking_vamppp: "Sure! Uhmm I'd never thought you would ask."

*AT 6:01 PM*

Sparkly_thing101: "Perfect! I'll meet you at *insert café name idk lmfao* tomorrow! ☆"

*AT 6:03 PM*

Bloodsucking_vamppp: "Hah, alright. See you!

You drop your phone with your mouth wide open. "The fuck just happened??" So many thoughts in your head, you rush back to your sister's room. "VICTORIAAAA" You shout and your voice echoed through her massive room. "WHAT HAPPENED?" She flew down her stairs and ran over to you. "YUGA ASKED ME OUT??" You shout. "REALLY?!?!?!" Your sister screams in excitement. "Girl come here." Your sister leads you back into her closet. "TRY IT ON NOW!!" Your sister throws the dress you liked earlier in your face and throws you into the dressing room. After much struggle and many tutorials from your sister of how to put the confusing dress on, you walk out of the dressing room. Look at yourself in the 42 mirrors your sister has in her closet. Man, she relates to Aoyama so much. "PERFECT!! SLAYY-" ''SHUDDUP." You say putting a finger over your sister's mouth once again. "You're a horrible hype man." You said walking back to the dressing room to take this gunk off of your body, you've never liked dresses. But your sister does, so you just go with it.


"God I'm so nervous." You say bouncing your leg uncontrollably. "You're gonna be completely fine, if he asked you out he obviously loves you. Plus he's not the type of guy that would hurt you." Your brother says. Your brother also goes to UA, but you guys are not in the same class. But he has had some interactions with Aoyama and they seem to be good friends. You don't say anything else because you don't want to distract him from driving. Your brother is kind of like your personal Uber, he doesn't mind taking you places. Which is kind of him. Suddenly the car stops. "Alright, goodluck Y/N!" He says as you open the door to the car. "Thanks, I'll see you later." You say as you close the car door. 'Oh god, what now?' you thought. You just standing there randomly is kind of awkward, especially when you're from a famous family. Your Dad is an extremely famous author, and your sister is a crazy popular social media influencer. Of course people are gonna recognize you. Walking towards the café with lots of random looks from strangers you finally see him. His beautiful blonde shiny hair, his white ruffled shirt. God he's so adorable.

"Oh Y/N!~" You hear him say. Running towards you. "Wow you look beautiful today! ☆" He said, making a funny pose. You realize how straight-forward he is, he just goes for it without thinking about it. "Oh uh thank you Aoyama!" You say smiling, he gives you a smile back.


Sitting at a booth, drinking tea, and sitting with the boy you love. Is something you've never experienced. Your face heats up at the thought that he might like you too, this is the best night you've ever had.

*last timeskip I swear*

"Tonight was magnifique. Thank you, Y/N." Aoyama said, walking with you, holding your hand. Aoyama stops under a tree, No one else is around. "Y/N, like I said, tonight was magnifique. Spending time with you was something I've always wanted to do. So Y/N." He got closer to your face "Will you be my love?" He said as his cheeks heated up. "I'd love to Yuga!" You said in excitement. Yuga then got closer to your face and that's when your and his lips met. His lips were soft and gentle. Then breaking the kiss, "I'll see you tomorrow Y/N!" He said walking away.

*okay fr last time skip*

"ARHAHAHAHHAHHH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU Y/NNNN!!!" Your sister screamed. "Calm down, it's just the first date.." You said awkwardly backing out of her room. You shut her door and sighed. 'What if my class finds out about this? What if my parents found out that I'm dating a HUMAN?!?!' you thought. But, Thanks again Victoria.

A/N- YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO anyways writing this because we need more fanfics for aoyama <3

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