Chapter 1

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⚠️⚠️GRAPHIC WARNING/Trigger warning /TORTURE

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⚠️⚠️GRAPHIC WARNING/Trigger warning /TORTURE

"You ready to talk?" I ask the man bleeding out in front of me.

Why don't they just ever talk? I can do this all day and feel nothing. This is only just after his second chance and I can tell I have already broken him.

I give 3 chances. Don't let me get to 4.

Your first chance is after a good beating, but I don't make my men beat you that badly, I leave room for you to survive and function. That beating only last 15 minutes to give you barely a taste of what's to come. If you decline to speak, then comes the next chance.

Your second chance. The beating last for 2 hours non stop. I don't care how much you plead and cry and say you will talk, you should have talked the first time. I tell my men to avoid the jaw so he can speak properly when the time comes. However things like pulling off fingernails and toenails, slicing the skin, plucking out an eyeball are completely allowed for the second chance.

I can pretty much do what I want since they won't be getting out of here anyway, why not let my loyal blood thirsty men have a little fun in the process? I was hoping to make this quick and not get my hands dirty because I have to a barbecue later for my cousins graduation but lets see how long this plays out. I doubt anything interesting will happen at that party anyway.

I am not very fond of my shit fathers side of the family but fuck it. He is in jail currently. A cop in jail, isn't that the stupidest fucking thing you ever heard. Thank god this barbecue is for my mothers side or I wouldn't be going at all.

The third chance however, is when things get fun. We strip you naked and stick your feet in ice. Then my men will proceed to start to pull teeth. During the third chance however if you say you will talk then I will stop, but the information better be good other wise I will carve my victim open.

Not tragic enough where they will bleed out, but deep enough that they will be in pain all night.

I always check my information to see if its correct before I kill my victims. If you give me false information, I will gut your intestines in front of you as you watch.

If the information proves helpful or worthy, then I will still gut you, but I will numb you first, depending on how severe your crime is. Plus, you made me get to the third chance, you kind of deserve it.

Chance number 4, well at that point I might skip 3 and just skin you alive. Depending on how well you piss me off.

This fool sitting in front of me, was stealing money from one of my restaurants. But he is the farthest thing from smart. I know he had help. To be honest I already have my suspicion of who was helping him steal from me, but I just want him to say it. Plus I didn't like how he thought he was smarter than me. I check my books frequently.

It starts off as a little 100-500 dollars missing a night. Then it moved to 1000-2000, almost 10 grand a week. I suspect they were filling orders and not putting it on the books properly and keeping the money for themselves.

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