Confrontation & Rumours| 05

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Even as you walked towards the cafeteria, wondering if Valerie would mind if you sat with her and her sisters, you had a lingering feeling that someone was following you. 

That couldn't be, right? The whole Geraniums Academy was packed with thousands of students, no one would be 'following' you, it must be more like they too were headed towards they cafeteria. 

You, of course, had no idea that a certain blonde was following you with an intent gaze, determined to have a meaningful conversation with yourself. 

As you entered the more-lavish-than-necessary lunch place, your (e/c) orbs scanned the colossal room for your pinkhead of a friend. 

Fortunately, it was easy to find her since she was sitting on the nearest table to the entrance, looking highly annoyed as she talked to three taller girls- whom, you supposed, were her sisters, with the very same set of shiny bubblegum pink locks. (The only difference was that Valerie's hair reached till her hips, while the other three seemed to have a cute Bob cut.) 

You were just about to make your way towards them when a hand closed on yours. Turning around, you locked eyes with none other than Daniel Campbell, and felt fear clouding your mind.

What... Was he doing here? Alright, it was lunch break so you supposed being at the canteen area wasn't extraordinary, but why the hell was he holding your hand? 

You tried to jerk your arm away but his grip was all too firm. 

"(Y/n)," He breathed, "We need to talk."

"No," you hissed, "We don't," You had been really clear to him the other day, there certainly was no need to complicate things. You tried to break hold of him, but were once again only in vain. 

"We do."

"We don't"

"We d-"

"Daniel, let go! ​​​​​​"

Oops. You didn't mean to say it as loudly as you did, but there was no use, heads were turning yo look at both of you, and maybe this was just a nervous feeling, but you could swear everyone suddenly seemed to have turned silent. 

Great, you had an audience now. 

Daniel didn't really seemed to care, though, "No, (Y/n). You can't just leave me saying we're not friends anymore. Not like this."

There was a rush of murmur through the crowd of students, and you felt yourself flush with embarrassment, even though you couldn't make out what they were saying. 

The fricking idiot was making a scene. 

You wanted to retort, say something, and tell him to get off. Your treacherous voice, however, seemed to have left you amidst the crowd. 

That's when a friendly, familiar voice came to your rescue. 

"Well, well, well, " Valerie said, taking steps towards the blonde grasping your hand, "What do we have here? Seems to me that we were all wrong about the rumor. It's Daniel Campbell chasing after- no, stalking would be more accurate, I'd say- (Y/n) (L/n)."

You could tell that Valerie seemed awfully disgusted of Daniel, and felt a rush of gratitude towards the girl, who, despite having a phobia of men, came to your aid. 

Daniel glared at her, but didn't say anything nonetheless. Instead, he turned to you, "We do need to talk, and can we please go somewhere private?"

You weren't following, though. Your eyes had just caught on the most gorgeous chocolate tresses ever, and a glassy, stormy shade of green eyes. 

You'd just seen the protagonist of the very tale walk through. 

𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒Where stories live. Discover now