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I only stared down at my phone in confused disbelief for a second, before another incoming call came through. I answered it instantly, feeling relief at the name that flashed on my screen this time.

"Bella?" I said her name quickly, "Bells, what's going on? Asher just called me, he was..."

"He called you?" Bella asked in an annoyed voice. "I told him not to. I told him it was none of his business, Indie. It's not his business."

"What's going on?" I asked her, feeling like I was the stuck in another dimension, one with a severe lack of information.

"Well, I mean, Chase obviously called him after he saw it. Listen, Indie, I know it's not anyone business who you're dating, but maybe a little transparency with Chase would have prevented this," Bella rushed out, but her tone was soft.

"Which, speaking of," Bella continued without pausing for a second, "you could have told me. Why wouldn't you tell me? I obviously was team Indie and Chase, but, I would have supported you."

"Bella," I had to say her name sharply, so she would shut up. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about you and Brock," she explained, though her voice held a question mark in it.

"What about me and Brock?" I was becoming annoyed, and my voice conveyed that.

"That you like him," she said hesitantly, and my stomach twisted in painful confusion.

"I don't like him," I told her bluntly. "I don't like Brock, what the hell is going on?"

She was silent, silent enough that I could hear only the buzzing of the phone connection on the line.

"Indie," Bella said my name as if she was coaxing me into something. "You don't have to hide it. In fact, you can't hide it. I'm pretty sure everyone already knows by now."

"Bella if you don't tell me what's going on in the next five seconds, I will drive to wherever you are and make me tell you," I told her, meaning every word. "Just tell me what the fuck is happening."

"Go look at what Brock posted," Bella irritated me by doing the opposite of what I asked. "Keep me on the line."

Though, my intense curiosity outweighed by negative feelings towards her, so I did what she said. I put the phone on speaker, and went to his Instagram page. When I saw nothing new, I clicked on his stories instead.

I clicked through the first two slides, seeing only pictures of him and his friends. I was about to give up, until I came to the last one.

Instantly, I recognized what I saw. It was Brock's car, the small parking lot from the hole showing through the windows. But, most importantly, I recognized myself, as the video began to play.

I was smiling, blush on my cheeks as I stared out of the window. Brock's phone must have been down by his legs, because the camera was angled up towards me.

"You make me feel lighter, you make me feel better," I said into the air, my voice sounded sweet like it was glazed in honey.

It sounded like I meant every word.

"You take my pain away and replace it with butterflies. The time I spend with you is my favourite time, because you make me nervous in the best way. I don't think I've ever had feelings as strong as the feelings that I have for you. I don't want anyone else, I don't even look at anyone else. The feelings that you give me, no one has ever given me feelings like these before."

I was stunned into silence, his stories disappearing from my screen as I felt my jaw drop open in bewilderment.

"Indie," Bella's voice through my phone reminded me that she was still on the other end. "Don't tell me you didn't know he took that video."

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