Chapter 1:The 4 werewolves...

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Kenny POV

Werewolves this.Wefewolves that...
Those things are dead..Our population used to use them for many purposes.But ever sense the werewolf population was wacked out.We thought none lives..Well that's what I thought.I have  niece and nephew Levi Ackerman and Mikasa Ackerman we are the royal family of the werewolves the Ackerman bloodline is the strongest in the world.

*That can't be possible!The werewolf population was wiped out years ago.*I said and my voice cracked a little

*It was reported that 4 werewolves was discovered in a for away jungle*One of my royal guard's said

*Track those beast down...And bring them to me at once*I said then sat down at my throne.I always wanted Levi and Mikasa to have werewolves of theire own for reasons.Mikasa was only weeks old whole Levi was 15.He was super overprotective of her but I want something to protect him to

*Yes your majesty*The guard said as he left

This is great...With these beast we can probably grow our werewolf population again.Use them for experiments.Police work guard wolves and other things The humans and Vampire's will be happy to know this.

*Uncle?*I heard someone say them turned around to see my 15  year old nephew with jet back hair and silver eyes

*Yes Levi?*I replied

*Is it true those monsters walk this earth again?*Levi asked

*Possibly but we don't know yet untill they catch them*I replied

Levi nodded

*And if we do seem to catch them.You and Mikasa will have one of your own*I told him. Levi's eyes widen

*What about the other two?*Levi asked

*The other two will be used as our guard wolves or Mikasa's friends can have them*I told them

Levi nodded then left the room


Far away in a Jungle on the other side of the world was 4 werewolves playing around..Three brunettes and one blond

The eldest was a beautiful half brunette half black werewolf with a brunette hazel like left eye and a emerald right eye.And a scar on the right eye.No one knew what this wolf gender was but let's say they have no gender or pronouns.So this werewolves gender is up to you.Lets call them Hange or Hanji

(by the way this is not the Canon design of Hange I just wanted to switch it up)

The Second Eldest was a dirty blonde werewolf.With golden yellow eyes and was a male.Lets call him Zeke

The second youngest was a female full brunette werewolf.With those bright brown eyes.Sasha we can call her

And the youngest was a male who was a full brunette werewolf.He had a short scar on his cheek.He had a emerald left eye and a diamond right eye.Lets call him Eren

These was the 4 last werewolves of there kind.The two oldest was just pups while the youngest was only a few weeks old

(Btw ages In this chapter
Kenny:Prob an old man
Mikasa:4-6 weeks
Eren and Sasha:Couple weeks in werewolf years (4-6 weeks)
Hange:15 (
- in werewolf years that will be 15,000 years old
Zeke:5 - in werewolf years that will be 5,000 years old

Sasha and Eren was playing with each other chasing each other around and all.

Hange barks

Human translation:  *Don't go to far you two*

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