Chapter 2: The Scout Regiment

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No One POV

When the vampires and hunters arrived at the chamber with the two werewolf siblings they immediately attended to Hange's wounds. Can't go to the royal family looking like crap.

*Commander Erwin* Moblit said. Moblit is one of the Captains of the Vampire army. He is super loyal to his friends and family and is a bean. Moblit was sacrifice himself for his friends no matter the cause.

Moblit got his loyalty from his mother and father. His father was a brave Vampire solder and his mother is a nurse. He has no siblings that he knows of. Unfortunately, his father was killed in The Blood Contract.  Moblits father died at 796 which is young cause vampires die when they turn a certain age but that is a story for another time. 

Moblits mother is a nurse. The greatest nurse of all time! She is still alive at 748 she is young for her age. Moblits mother goes by the name of Tracy Berner. Tracy is a beautiful vampire with dirty blonde hair. Bronze eyes. She normally wears a nurse's outfit but when she is not working, she wears a dress of some sort with black high heels. After Moblits unnamed father pasted away she did not look for more love in her life. Tracy loves her husband deeply he treated her like a queen. Would buy anything for her always cooked, cleaned and everything. He was the best love Tracy could ever ask for. Now that he is gone. A part of Tracy went with him. But Tracy still loves and cares for her son and nothing will change that

"Yes Moblit?" Erwin asked. Erwin is the Commander of te vampire army he is a young commander for his age. The Vampire army goes by the name of the Scouts. 

"The king would like these werewolves on Prince Levi and Princess Mikasa's birthday. He says he would like Mikasa to be a little bit older" Moblit replied 

"Very well. Nanaba Mike we will take these werewolves to the scouts to be supervised" Ewrin commanded 

"Yes sir" Nanaba said. Nanaba was one of the captains in the scouts. Nanaba had dirty blond hair in the front with her sides cut. She had ocean blue eyes. Nanaba's father was not like Moblits father. Nanaba's father abused her when she was young. Nanaba's dad would abuse her cause he suffered abuse when he was young and after the loss of his wife. He would not abuse Nana every day though, he still cared for his daughter but he was also suffering from depression. Nanaba is thankful for her dad for giving her a roof to stay under and food to eat every day. But sadly, Nanaba's dad was killed by a werewolf at least that is what she heard.Nana grew her hate for werewolves because of her father's death. What she does not know..

The werewolf that "killed" her father was trying to help...The werewolf saw Nanaba's father try to kill himself with a rope. So, the werewolf ran towards him biting the rope out of his hands Then the werewolf ran off. Then Nanaba's father got shot. But she will never know the truth.

Eren started to wake up and that got the solders attention 

Eren then got up and saw his older sibling laying with bandage's on and saw a lot of scouts around them.

Eren then started to bark and it was a stressed bark.

" He sounds distressed " Miche said. 

" Hey buddy calm down " A female vampire with orange like hair and brown eyes said"

Eren did not trust vampires and humans at all but werewolves can sense when a vampire or human is a threat or not. Eren did not sense any threating senses from this female vampire so he calmed down but he had his lounge out and was panting.

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