1 || Five Years Ago: Did I pass?

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"[Y/N], can you hear me?"


You opened your eyes, to be greeted by a face that brought you a slight relief. Your best friend, whom you've known since childhood, "Pieck?" You asked, rubbing your eyes. Pieck Finger was probably your oldest friend, and being quite disoriented, it was good to see her. Your eyes shifted around the room, trying to remember what had happened.

There were a lot of people there. All your living relatives had shown up, your friends were there, and your instructor in the Warrior program. You could see a quite disappointed-looking Marcel and Porco in the crowd, and you finally put two and two together once you saw a half-eaten corpse that had been restrained.

"Pieck... Did I pass?" She nodded her head, helping you to your feet. "...Did... Did you pass?" You asked, somewhat nervously. Pieck nodded again. You immediately let out a sigh of relief, knowing that you wouldn't be forced to be separated from her.

You instinctively wrapped your arms around her into an embrace, and her face turned bright red as she pulled away, unintentionally dropping you. The two of you didn't exactly have a friendship that involved a lot of physical contact, so this caught her off guard, and surprised her.

"Sorry..." She muttered, helping you back up to your feet. You dusted yourself off, and she awkwardly tried to hug you back after the fact, but the moment had passed. You could hear angry shouting from the Galliard brothers to get a move on, as your inheritance ceremony wasn't the only one being done that day.


A few hours later, as the final inheritance ceremony was finishing up - Reiner Braun had surprisingly passed - you sat next to Pieck. She clearly felt bad about dropping you earlier, and was sitting extremely close to you, practically resting her head on your shoulder. To anyone looking, they'd likely think you were some kind of couple.

You weren't sure if it had to do with Titan memories, or just getting older, but, for some reason, you didn't mind all this contact with Pieck as much as you would have just a few weeks ago. In fact, you actually liked it. You caught yourself resting your arm around Pieck's shoulder, but she didn't seem to mind. It was admittedly embarrassing to do this in public with someone who was just a close friend in your eyes, but it wasn't like there were many strangers there.


After the ceremony, you were approached by Porco Galliard, who shoved you slightly.

"[Y/N], the hell was that all about?!" He asked, sounding absolutely pissed.

You didn't really understand what he was talking about, and just shrugged.

"Don't play dumb with me. You being all touchy-feely with Pieck... What the hell?! You know I have my eyes on her, you better not try anything.

With this on top of you receiving a Titan power, something he didn't receive, it was clear that Porco was extremely jealous of you. You opened your mouth to explain the situation to Porco, but you were interrupted by his brother, Marcel, coming to pick him up. He looked pretty upset, it was clear that he had also been hoping to receive one of the Titan shifting abilities.

"Come on, Porco. Dad's waiting to pick us up." Marcel said, grabbing his brother by the hand. You couldn't help but feel relieved to know that you wouldn't have to deal with Porco, at least not for now.


"...He said what?" Pieck asked, as you were walking home with her. Either she wasn't able to believe what Porco had said to you, or she was too tired to pay attention. With her, it was kind of hard to tell.

"I'm telling you. He said that he had eyes on you, and not to try anything." You couldn't help but chuckle saying it out loud. 

"That's... Mmm... Normal, I think." She said, shrugging.

"What? What do you mean?" You asked.

"Well... A lot of guys have crushes on me, don't they?" She asked. "I'm pretty sure you're the only one our age who doesn't..."

Needless to say, you had no idea about this. "...No way, really?" You asked, double checking that you were hearing her correctly.

Pieck nodded. "Mhm." She said, casually walking alongside you. Before you could properly process the idea that everybody was into your best friend, the two of you arrived at Pieck's house, where her father was waiting for her outside. She gave you a weak high five, and then walked inside.


You, Pieck, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie stood in a line shoulder to shoulder, while Zeke stood in front of you, facing towards you. The instructor walked in circles around you, and spoke. "Before yesterday, you were all devils. Boys and Girls hoping to serve this glorious nation."

"However, today, you are now Marleyan men and women, imbued with the ability to turn into Titans with the purpose of protecting us, and taking what is rightfully ours."

"The man you see before you, Zeke Jaeger, is your Warchief. You are to listen to his every instruction, and follow his orders to your last dying breath." Zeke stood tall, with his shoulders thrown back. He seemed nervous, but was clearly the most determined to be here out of any of us.

We spread out to have quite a bit of distance between us, and the instructor continued.

"Now, an important step to transforming is having your first transformation be in a controlled environment. Because of this, you will all be practicing your transformations today." He walked over to Bertholdt, and whispered something to him, before walking back to where he was.

The instructor handed Zeke six daggers, and Zeke walked around, giving one to each of you, and keeping one for himself.

"The first step is to draw blood." There were a few groans, a few ews, and other such noises of disapproval, but the instructor simply raised his voice and continued. "You can draw your own blood with the daggers provided, or I can do it for you." He paused. "And trust me, you don't want me to do it for you."

Reluctantly, all of you reluctantly dragged the daggers across the palms of your hands, a trickle of blood pouring out of it. It felt surprisingly warm on the open wound, and you could see a slight steam.

"And now, you must form a clear goal in your mind. Place your dagger onto the ground, and focus entirely on picking it up with your injured hand."

Reiner was the first one to do so, and just picked up the dagger with little to no theatrics. You thought that was odd, and was caught off guard by a flash of lightning hitting Annie Leonhardt, who had managed to transform flawlessly.

You looked as Annie transformed into the Female Titan, a strangely terrifying and yet attractive sight. She was immediately restrained by traps that had been set up beforehand, as her Titan Form had lost all control, and began shrieking and screaming, and was kept like so until she could willingly emerge from her Titan Form.

Annie was helped to the ground, and sat next to Bertholdt, who was seemingly not to be a part of this activity. The rest of you managed to transform to similar effect, with the exception of Reiner. Despite his best efforts, he was not able to transform into the Armoured Titan, and the wound on his hand sealed up at a superhuman rate. The instructor just sighed, and we were dismissed for the day.

As you and Pieck were walking home, you two engaged in your usual banter.

"Did you notice that Reiner couldn't transform..?" You asked.

"Everyone noticed that." She stated rather bluntly. "I feel kinda bad for him... I hope he can figure it out eventually."

"Yeah.. I wonder what's stopping him form transforming." Pieck shrugged. She had no idea.

With your first day of training concluded, you eventually arrived at Pieck's home, and dropped her off, before walking over to your own residence. As you were walking, you thought to yourself about the thirteen years you had to live.

The thirteen years to be a hero.

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