2 || 5 Years Ago: Let's go, Pieck.

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"...[Y/N], why are you doing this? I want to go home." Pieck stated rather bluntly, being reluctantly dragged along by you, covering her eyes with her hand. "When can I look?"

"Trust me, Pieck. Just wait." You reassured her. You had a surprise in mind for her. As you reached your destination, Pieck uncovered her eyes. You looked in the same direction as her, and you both saw a gorgeous lake, as you sat atop a hill. It was far from any roads, or houses, and it felt as though you were the only two people in the world, just for a brief moment.

"[Y/N]... Isn't this a little..." Pieck paused for a moment. "...Romantic? Why did you bring me here?" That was definitely not what you had intended for this situation to be interpreted as.

"No, no, it's nothing like that!" You stated, your hands in front of you. "I just thought that this would be a cool place to properly celebrate being accepted into the Warrior program! With Annie, Reiner, and Bert shipping off tomorrow, I thought that... I don't know, maybe it'd just be nice to have an afternoon to just distract ourselves from that." You said, accidentally rambling quite a bit.

Pieck looked at you, blinking with a neutral expression. And then a smile broke onto her neutral expression, followed by full blown laughter. "[Y/N], I'm just messing with you! Relax!" She said, before laying down on the grass. "It really is a nice day, isn't it?"

You nodded, and lay down next to her, keeping a fair amount of distance between the two of you. "Yeah, yeah it is."

"It really is sad that the three of them are going to be leaving for Paradis tomorrow." She said, a bit of a solemn look on her face.

"H-Hey, at least we still have Zeke, right?" You said, trying to bring up the mood.

"...And the Galliard brothers." Pieck said, before making a fake gagging sound to show that it wasn't exactly favourable. The two of you enjoyed a laugh about that one, followed by silence.

"Do you think they're going to be okay?" Pieck asked. You hadn't really thought about that, just the fact that you wouldn't see them for a while.

"...Well... Yeah, right? They're Titans, and what do the devils have? Arrows and spears?" You said, imitating a man weakly throwing a spear. Pieck giggled, and shook her head dismissively.

"You're right, you're right, I shouldn't be worried about them."

You both sat in silence yet again, and just like last time, Pieck broke the silence. "...So, [Y/N]..." She started. "Do you have any... Memories?" She asked. Truthfully, you couldn't recall any. Not a single memory from a previous Jaw Titan.

"N-No, at least, not for now." You recalled Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner saying that the three of them didn't have previous memories yet, so you assumed it was just a thing for new Titan Shifters. "Do you?"

Pieck shook her head. "Nothing." She sighed. "I guess it's not a huge deal, I just thought that I'd get to learn a little more about the previous Cart Titan."

You nodded, it made sense.


A few hours later, the two of you just lay there, and you couldn't help but notice that Pieck had slowly but surely inched her way over to you, to the point where your sides were nearly touching. Strangely enough, you didn't mind. You felt oddly comforted by the way you could practically feel her breathing, knowing that she was so close to you.

It wasn't anything romantic, at least, you didn't think it was, and to your knowledge she didn't either. You decided to speak up to break the silence.

"So, Pieck, it's, uh... Getting kind of late." You said.

Pieck nodded, looking around, before having an idea. "...What if we camped out here..?" She asked, looking you in the eyes. "My dad is out working tonight, so I doubt he would even notice if I didn't go home." Pieck said.

You thought for a moment, and eventually relented. Your family was similarly busy that night, and you had nothing better to do. Sleeping under the stars sounded quite appealing, as a matter of fact. You nodded your head, and the two of you lay back down.

After talking for a bit more, the two of you decided to eventually go to sleep. A few minutes after closing your eyes, you could hear Pieck gently breathing in a way that made it clear that she was fast asleep. What caught you off guard was the fact that she rolled a bit in her sleep, and unintentionally placed an arm over you. 

This was quite surprising, but you definitely didn't want to wake her up. And so, you reluctantly fell asleep with Pieck halfway on top of you, and it was surprisingly easy.

The next morning you woke up to the sound of soft laughter, and you opened your eyes to see that Pieck was already wide awake. Unsurprisingly, she found the whole situation to be absolutely hilarious.

"Sorry about that, [Y/N]..!" She said, with a bit of a grin. "I roll a lot in my sleep... I happened to roll onto you, hah!" That was something that amazed you about Pieck. She was able to find a joke in some very mundane things. Admittedly, it used to be off-putting just how strangely flirty she could get, but you eventually got used to it. In fact, you even found yourself growing fond of it.

The two of you began to walk back through the mostly empty nature park, almost certain that nobody had even noticed that the two of you had a little impromptu camping session underneath the stars, only to walk into Porco Galliard, and his brother Marcel.

"Would you look at that." Porco said. "It's [Y/N], in the flesh." He paused for a moment. "Or should I say, in the Pieck?" He added, before laughing.

"No, no you definitely shouldn't." Marcel commented.

"Shut up! That was funny!" Porco turned bright red, he seemed to have struck a nerve.

"...Not really... It was barely even wordplay." Pieck chimed in.

"Yeah man, it was pretty awful." You said.

"Well... Whatever, that doesn't matter! Point is, Marcel and I saw the whole thing!" He shouted, completely dropping the tough guy bit after being offended.

You felt a lump in the back of your throat, worried you'd get in trouble for not going home on time, until you noticed Marcel laughing while doing something with his hands. One of his hands was making a circular shape, and he was using the index finger of his other hand to...

"Wait a second!" You said, only now realizing what he was saying. "No, it was nothing like that!"

Pieck laughed, though you could tell that she was also a little bit embarrassed. "Stop being so jealous, Porky..." She said.

"I'm not Jealous! And my name is Porco! Porco! Not Porky!" Porco was practically stomping his feet.

He huffed, and stood behind his brother, who spoke up. "Look, guys. Porco's real mad, because he's got no friends, or something. Just... I don't know, apologize, or something?" After Marcel said this, Porco made some offhand comment about having told him that in confidence, but you didn't really hear the whole thing.

"Apologize for what, exactly..?" Pieck asked, genuinely slightly confused.

Marcel shrugged, and Porco stepped forward. "[Y/N] is the only one who needs to apologize! They really think they they can just sleep with my girlfriend and get away with it?!"

The moment that he said the word girlfriend Pieck completely shifted in her demeanor. Porco freaked out, and tried to explain that he just meant she was a friend that was also a girl, but she was having none of it.

"First of all, Porky," Pieck started, shushing him as he tried to correct her. "[Y/N] and I didn't do what you think we did. Just because that's all you can think about doesn't mean that other people don't have hobbies." Again, she interrupted him as he attempted to protest. "And I am not your girlfriend. I have never been your girlfriend." She said. "I was just spending the night with a friend, grow up."

A silence lingered in the air, and nobody knew what to say.


"Let's go, Pieck. We're gonna be late."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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