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it was a cold when you had awaken from your slumber. very dark and silent. rubbing your eyes tiredly you looked over at the time, 7:00 am. breathing in, the air was crisp and cold against the back of your throat. it woke you up slightly, but nothing could wash away the bleakness of repeating the same routine over and over.

sunday. wake up, get dressed, go to church. simple right ? not in the slightest. instead it's wake up, stay in the shower long enough to muffle the sounds of your parents never ending bickering. get dressed, yet spend 20 extra minutes deciding which one of the three outfits ruled "acceptable" by the church you'll wear this time. go to church, and painfully try not to clutch your starving stomach because drawing attention to yourself was "disrespectful." especially when the pastor is drilling the word of god into everyone's heads just to convince himself that he's actually making some type of difference in these peoples lives.

going to church has been occurring everyday since you entered this world. missing a day wasn't something you were familiar with, and that fact alone- drove you to a brink of insanity. you felt incarcerated, prisoner to your own faith. it was like walking on pins and needles every five seconds because even taking the wrong step, placing your foot down on the ground improperly might result in fatality. you always felt this way, and you envied anyone who had the capability of living freely.

"straighten up, hun." tapping lightly on your shoulders you mother reminded you to correct your posture. her words weren't harsh, just a simple reminder. but each "suggestion" that flowed from red coated lips made you convulse, it was very apparent that your mother herself wasn't very fond of your lifestyle. nevertheless, she remained collected. her demeanor wouldn't falter nor would any emotion slip pass her facade.

looking forwards your eyes heavily scanned over the painted glass that covered the windows. you've done this many times before, analyzing each and every color in the glass individually until it became engraved into your mind. simply it was an act to distract yourself, but the task quickly grew tiresome and so you glanced at anything else in the cold room that could take your mind off the echoing voice at the front of the room.

suddenly your gaze seemed to pinpoint someone in particular in the room. someone that peaked your curiosity every now and then. eren yeager. the young man that assumingely was the same age as yourself, but most certainly didn't appear to be so. black and red stains across his tanned skin, sliver studs dancing across the lobes of his ears, and even one placed on the side of his nose as well. his dark hair was messily placed half up in a bun while the rest of the loose strands framed his face.

most days, he's knuckles were clad with scars and open wounds. sometimes even his pretty face would be painted with shades of violet and indigo. eren practically held the title for "troubled son." it was very obvious as well, a fellow sinner wondering the earth waiting for the day to be reunited with devil in the trenches of hell.

although his fate may have already been determined since the day he strayed away from the name of god, for an odd reason you felt like there was something... missing ? it felt very unsettling to judge eren without knowing a single detail about him. yet, so many people were always quick to jump the gun on labeling him- because that's what they were taught.

thinking that it was none of your concern you never gave the thought anymore of your precious time, and therefore kept your opinions on eren yeager to yourself. watching with innocent intentions you glanced at the male who was sat with his parents.

they seemed to be quietly disagreeing about something, eren's brows were creased and a snarl adorned his face. his aura reeked malice, it was chilling. from a distance you felt goosebumps rise on your skin, but your eyes remained glued to the male as you watch a scene unfold.

"with the path you're traveling down you'll be weeping your sins in purgatory before your know it!" lightly you gasped as you listened to eren's father speak so viciously towards his son. "yeah i fucking hear you old man, but maybe if your head wasn't so far up your own ass you'd actually comprehend why i live the way i do."

then it was silent. eren's voice had grown so loudly he had drawn the attention of the entire church. all of their eyes latched into the sight like leeches, feeding off the drama that had presented itself during the sermon. ashamed, you were also guilty of this as you watched the young male look around.

for a sliver of a second, happening so quickly out of your comprehension, your eyes met with his. their were piercing, full of aggressiveness, but there was something else. they appeared heavy, weighing down his turquoise irises.

and just as quick as your shares eye contact, eren fled the room. the heavy oak doors crashed behind him and the sound started many. this was probably one of the only times you've seen such an outburst. despite his aggravated expressions, eren maintained himself until after the lesson. it was almost frightening- seeing the capability of his anger, and that probably wasn't even the tip of the iceberg.

but could you really blame him, you were unaware of the full extent to the situation but you heard what eren's father said. turning to look at the doors, you thought quietly.

"what is going through your head right now, eren."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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