short skirts, bikini, boys, new school

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chapter 1.

well where to begin? I'm a normal ugly girl with big wide glasses and blonde hair. My name's Taylor howel. I loved my life and I hope my life loves me. But it all changed when we moved. That would be me, 14, my dad, sister, 18 and baby brother, 6 months. We were happy living in harrogate when my mum went and left us with her new boyfriend. Dad acted like he didn't care about her leaving but he was gutted really. She moved down to London away from us she blamed him for everything even though it was us all the time she hated us ever since Liam came along. (My brother).

We moved to Boston cause Carmen (My sister) was going there for uni she is studying graphic design. when my dad said "let's go and join her it would help me get over Kate(mum) cause she would be here in England and we would be in Boston/America" I didn't know what to say I mean what could I say. He don't stop thinking about her. Carmen saw the uncertainty on my face and replied to him with courage "Are you sure, your life is here you don't want to rush into things, think about Taylor she might not want to go, what about Liam you can't stop him from talking or seeing her, he don't understand he's only little". Dads face shriveled up like it normally does when some one says or does something wrong. "I'm sure, she's only surprised by this, she'll be fine when we get there, she'll settle in school fine like she always does cause she is the perfect girl". wow dad didn't go mad his face turned back to his normal face and said "come on we are leaving tomorrow 9am it is all sorted". 'when did he do that, he's sure about this and isn't going to Change his mind'.



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next chapter Friday 25th January.

short skirts, bikini, boys, new schoolWhere stories live. Discover now