sleep over with the girls

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Chapter 9

"RING RING" come on Georgia pick up your stupid phone!!!!!!

"hello baby how are you? I have heard about you being in hospital were going to come visit you but we couldn't be bothered".

Couldn't be bothered I was sitting their in my death bed and they couldn't be bothered to come see if I was alright, making any progress. who was we anyway? oh yeah ginger Naomi, prostitute Georgina and Chloe I couldn't think of anything to say in front of Chloe's name in case she came and murdered me!!

"Taylor Taylor are you there?"

"yeah I was just thinking" I lied I was panicking.

"look were all on our way to come to yours and have a sleep over hope you have food." she hung up the phone before I could say anything. I get out of my chair and hope over to the computer where I order my weekly shopping ready for it to be delivered tomorrow. I heard Carmen shouting from the next room, I wonder over to see and shes their with Liam pulling her hair. I grab a chocolate out of a bowl and bribing Liam off of Carmen. The door bell rang, I was just about to get up when they let themselves in, how they got in I don't know, I thought it was locked.

Georgia walked in a came as sat next to me, where as Georgina walked straight to the fridge "hey where's the food and the fizzy pop" she shouted from the kitchen.

"we ain't got some the order is coming later, but if you look their might be one in the cupboard to the side." I yelled back

Naomi rolled her eyes "she likes to make her self at home, don't she!"

"yeah that's her thought". I replied in a sort of annoyed tone.

"shut up about me!" Georgina yelled from the kitchen, Naomi and I looked at each other and then rolled our eyes like it was a dance in unison. I stopped my thoughts and just laughed. Georgina walked upstairs, Georgia and Naomi followed, leaving me and Chloe alone.

oh God oh God 'don't panic, panic' it's fine how hard can I be just make some conversation just a phrase "How I'd and he", maybe not. "I'm fine and I'm really sorry for what I bought you into!!" she whispered in my ear.

"no you just had to tell me I bet they don't know do they?" I paused for a while waiting for a response "huh I'm waiting" I said starting to get impatient.

"you know I can't tell Georgina everyone knows," she replied but that aren't good enough,

"so you thought you would just tell me do you?, and that I won't tell anyone?"

"I'm sorry alright, I didn't know who to turn to."

I walked out the door and upstairs to find the other jumping from air bed to mattress to air bed. it was like it was a bouncy castle. awwh how much I loved them. They stopped and just stared at me. I walked over to the beds and started to jump. we all laughed. I heard the door slam shut down stairs, we ran to the window and their was chloe walking down the drive. They had a puzzled face on them and just looked at me. I rolled my eyes "it weren't anything to do with me". They all ran out the house following her. which I followed them but I didn't go out side I just locked the door.


sorry it took so long to update I've been busy for the past two weeks.





comment what you think should happen in the next chapter, I will include all of them.

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