Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Next day in college

Tyler is restless. Ragnor asked "What happened?" Tyler said "Nothing." Raphael teases "It seems you are going to propose to someone. I was so nervous when I was going to propose to Sean." Cat says "Come on Raphael. Your proposal was quite easy. You knew you would get a positive answer." Raphael laughs.

After sometime everyone arrives and they go to their classes.

During lunch

Magnus, Cat, Ragnor, Raphael, Sean are sitting in the canteen. Tyler and Hayley come. Tyler takes the chair beside Magnus and teases "Oh sorry, I can't take this chair. It is reserved for someone else" Magnus blushed. Sean said "Oh my God Magnus Bane is blushing. Wow."

Raphael said "You don't know anything Sean. Since now it is out in the open, you will see a lot." Magnus winks and says "Yeah go on. I love it anyway. But Tyler, I don't think you want to sit beside me." Tyler smiles. Ragnor and Cat notice that something is going on.

Tyler said "Of course I can't take Alec's place." Raphael said "Cutiepie. We address him as Magnus' cutiepie." Hayley said "Oh so it has progressed to that level that you are giving nicknames?" Magnus blushes and says "I didn't give any name. They gave." Cat said "But where is your cutiepie?"

Sean said "He has gone to give order. He was too hungry."

Alec arrived. He said "Oh you all came." Raphael said "Yeah when you were ordering food, we came." Ragnor teases "Is your hunger satisfied now seeing Ma... sorry. After ordering food?" Magnus understood that Ragnor was teasing Alec. Alec blushed and sat beside Magnus.

Tyler got up and said "I have to tell you all something. I proposed to Hayley two days ago and today she said YES. We are a couple now." Tyler grabbed Hayley's hand. Everyone clapped and congratulated them. Sean asked "Since when is this going on?" Tyler said "Hayley was always my best friend. I never realised I had feelings for her until that day when I went on a date and I didn't feel anything." 

Raphael said "So that's why you were nervous today?" Tyler said "Yes. She told me she would give me her answer today."

Hayley said "I liked him for a long time but he never saw me that way. He always used to go on dates so I thought he was not interested." Tyler pulled her closer and said "Yes I am an idiot. I am sorry beautiful." They all teased "awwww." 

Tyler said "But Magnus I should thank you. That day you talked to me and cleared my confusion. I understood my feelings and made the move to propose to Hayley." Ragnor said "Okay so now I understand why Magnus told Tyler that he would like to sit somewhere else." Cat said "Aww Magnus you have always been a cupid."

Alec said "Always?? Why?" Sean said "Magnus played a major role in my relationship too." Alec asked "How?" Tyler says "Their situation was quite entertaining Alec. You must listen to that story." Alec was curious. Magnus was happy to see that Alec is interested. Magnus is staring at Alec while Alec is listening to everyone else.

Ragnor said "It was Magnus who introduced Sean to us. They both are party lovers so met at a party and then Sean came to this college and we all became friends. We used to hang out together. Slowly Sean and Raphael started developing feelings for each other. No one knew." Cat added "Except Magnus. He knew it before they told him." 

Alec asked him "How did you know?" Magnus replied "I can sense love from a distance. That's my talent Alexander." Alec said "So then Magnus helped them to confess to each other?" Hayley laughed and said "No. There's a twist." Raphael said "Since Cat and Ragnor were a couple, when they used to have their couple time, I was with Magnus. So Sean thought that I liked Magnus." 

Sean said "Since I am a lot like Magnus, Raphael thought I liked Magnus." Alec laughed "What?" Cat said "Yes we all laughed too when we heard it." Raphael said "And you know Alec, this my darling wanted to know the truth so he told Magnus to give him a ride." Sean said "Oh please at least I did something to find out."

Tyler said "Our cupid Magnus understood things and started talking to both on this matter and eventually they came to know the truth. Then finally Raphael geared up the strength and proposed. Though he knew Sean would say yes only."

Tyler said "We all will meet tonight for dinner today at 8pm. It's our treat. But Alec, the Dine and dance villa is on Bedford Avenue, far from your house. So come early."

Magnus said "I will give you a ride Alec." Alec said "Okay." 

Sean  said "Yes and take me too." Magnus gives Sean an annoying look. Sean winks at Magnus.

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