Farewell to the Moon

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"Your air-car is here, sir."

Beckett put down his book and stood up from the wicker chair on which he sat in the Nyle Manor conservatory. "Ah, thank you Büttler, about time."

Büttler's mutton chops twitched nervously. "If you don't mind me asking, will you be telling the police about my little secret, sir?"

"I do not normally concern myself with petty theft, Büttler. I have solved two murders for the police. My duty is done. I cannot vouch for the others, of course. What they may say or do is beyond my control."

Büttler let out a sigh of relief. "I am much obliged, sir. Really I am. Well then, if that's the case, I have something for you, sir." He then removed a small piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Beckett.

The detective unfolded it and his face lit up with delight. "Croissants! Your own recipe, Büttler?"

"Yes, sir. I hope you enjoy them. I have perfected it over many years and they have won many awards. Think of it as a small thank you."

Beckett thanked the man and proceeded to the hallway where the remaining inmates awaited. Apart from Cedric, who lay snoozing in an easy chair, they each nodded their heads solemnly at him as he passed them. Lieutenant Rideout was waiting at the airlock.

"It's funny how things worked out, isn't it, Beckett? It took a murder, but finally Melanoma Branston did something positive for her husband. She freed him from the yoke of her father and made him one of the richest men in the galaxy."

"I think you'll fine, Lieutenant," replied Beckett, picking his overnight bag from where it sat on a rebooted George, "that men like Elbert Branston have a need to please. Sooner or later he will find someone else to be reliant upon and end up back in the same situation."

Elemeno Pee stretched forward. "I hope you don't mind, but I couldn't help hearing your conversation. That won't be the case, Mr Beckett. We have discussed it and it's all agreed. I will be legally adopting Elbert. I'm not after his money, of course, he can keep it all. But I will watch out for him and he will be the son I never had." Her eyestalks twitched excitedly as she gazed lovingly at a blushing Elbert.

"Good for you, Elemeno!" said Professor Spoon, patting her on the abdomen. "Enjoy the money while you can, Elbert, because I have every intention on revealing all the deepest secrets of my spaceships to the galaxy! And winning the next Nobel Prize, of course!"

The airlock hissed open. Rideout leaned forward and whispered to Beckett. "Safe travels, old man. Bet you're glad to get away from this bunch of loons."

"The life of Gabriel Beckett is destined never to be a peaceful one," replied Becket with a smile, before he started the descent to the waiting air-car. "But sometimes," he murmured to himself, "that is exactly the way I like it!"

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